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make a shortcut?

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    make a shortcut?

    Hi all, this could be a dum question, but i really appreciate for all your help. Im using vmare to run my kubuntu, i enable the share folder feature between my host and my vm. Anyway, the point is that all the share folders are in /mnt/hgfs/, so anytime i have to access those folder, i have to go through quite a step to get there. How can i make a shortcut to that folder. You know in windows, we can just right click the folder, then drag it to where we want to make shortcut, then a menu pop up and have the option to make a shortcut there. I know linux is way more flexible than windows and i am sure there's a way to do it. Thanks for all your help.

    Re: make a shortcut?

    In short: man ln - exemplified: [sudo] ln -s /mnt/hgfs /home/shares

