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Finding software in Kubuntu

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    Finding software in Kubuntu

    Hello, I am new to Kubuntu. I assume all the software packages that are available to Ubuntu via Synaptic is available to Kubuntu as well. I could not find synaptic, like they have on Ubuntu, but found the Adept installer instead. It doesn't have nearly the amount of software packages available. I am probably just looking in the wrong place. Could someone offer a little help ?

    Thank you so much !

    Re: Finding software in Kubuntu

    Did you enable your extra repositories? If you don't remember doing this there are 2 ways. Quick and easy is
    Open Adept
    When it opens click on "View" Then on "Manage Repositories"

    You'll most likely see something that looks like this:
    #deb [url][/url] dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse
    Click on each one and chose "Enable" this will remove the hash (#) from the front of each one.
    Click the Green apply button.
    click fetch updates. You should have many more programs now.

    By the way - one of the things you can install is Synaptic, it's not as buggy as Adept on my computer.


      Re: Finding software in Kubuntu

      same here, run 'sudo apt-get install synaptic' on command line, and you ll be back to using synaptic, where you can add repositories, etc....first thing i install if its not already there...


