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How do I change my dual screen nvidia settings?

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    How do I change my dual screen nvidia settings?

    I succeeded in getting dual monitor support form my geforce 7950gx2. (it is a sli card with two cards in one)
    Happy with that. But the "problem" is that it now spans the desktop over two screens.
    I would like two separate desktops. When I maximize a window it would maximize it to one screen instead of spreading it out over two.

    My guess is use the "separate X screen" option in the nvidia settings menu.
    BUT that doesn't work. I get a lot of warnings that not all the changes could be applied. I attached the warning.

    What should I do? Can I get twin monitor support the way I am used to it?
    Attached Files

    Re: How do I change my dual screen nvidia settings?

    I believe it's just telling you that it can't start using all the options right away and you will have to restart X (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace) to get all your changes to take effect. Go ahead and save the changes and restart and see if it helps.

    Before you do, though, make sure you back up /etc/X11/xorg.conf so you can revert to it if you have a problem restaring X.


      Re: How do I change my dual screen nvidia settings?

      Tried that but it just disables my screen..

