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Why did my install work?

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    Why did my install work?


    this is probably a strange question. But, I installed nvidia drivers with the envy tool. First try black screen after install. Did a full remove and repeated again black screen and had to use alt+f1 as the tool told me.
    Did a restore of a xconf file or something, again something I read somewhere. (yes complete beginner here)
    Did the install again (stubborn I know) failed again. Started looking on the web again on my xp system. Read that you should try a few times cause it might recompile differently sometimes and work.
    After a sixth try it worked. I have no clue why?

    Linux keeps doing these type of things to me, one moment it just doesn't want to work the next moment it suddenly works.

    I reinstalled Kubuntu over 7 times just to try different things, so I don't really mind the flakeyness but how can I figure out if it is my stupidity or that it is kubuntu pulling a fast one on me?

    Sorry for the rant, I just get confused why things started to work.

    Re: Why did my install work?

    Fellow greenhorn here.
    It's not your installation -- an experience common to us all seems to be idiosyncrasy. I am still trying to get Envy to work and this is week three.
    There is something happening that apparently happens to no one else:

    In any case, just a word of support. Linux, I am finding, is far, far, FAR less predictable than people let on. I dunno, maybe the experienced guys are afraid that if they admit that, others won't use Linux. Personally, I like a challenge.

    Like you, however, even though I intend to stick with this, my patience wears thin when something doesn't work, doesn't work, doesn't work, doesn't work, Oh! It worked!!

    It's Linux\Kubuntu, man. Not you.


      Re: Why did my install work?

      Have you tried installing the Ubuntu nvidia drivers via Adept/apt-get (nvidia-glx)? I had to jump through some hoops and endless searches for the newer drivers to work with my GF 6200FX, and I got absolutely no performance boost from using them once I did get it configured. Not knowing your hardware, I can't tell what your issue may be, but it usually is more a configuration (xorg.conf) issue than anything else, which may make doing repeated installs a little overkill. switching back to the 'nv' driver would usually get you back to a gui desktop.

      Using envy and other tools add more places where something can go wrong, which for those new to linux can make it harder to figure out. Thats why I usually suggest using the 'stock' drivers, then once things are working correctly installing newer drivers may be a little easier.

      I won't say it is all good and peachy installing Linux, as I have noticed rare but definite inconsistencies in the hardware detection of various distros' live discs, but I can personally attest to the impatience I had when I was in your shoes (way back with Mandrake 7.2 on a 233mhz machine and countless, seemingly endless re-installs), and how that can affect your results.


        Re: Why did my install work?

        Well I tried the standard install I found on the ubuntu or kubuntu pages.
        sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup
        sudo nvidia-glx-config enable

        That first line is actually the reason I could keep trying cause it gave me a tip on how to reinstall the old version if I messed it up. The reason I kept trying was also cause someone on this forum said he had no problems setting up dual screen, which is what I was after.

        But the driver didn't do all I wanted it did give me opengl but very slow. I have a geforce7950gx2, and that seems to be a problem outside the windows XP world. I use a seperate HD for my linux install cause my motherboard supports boot selection via the bios. So no dual boot troubles for me thank God.

        I want to use linux to test different types of CMS software found on the net. And bit by bit I will get there. With my final goal is getting WebGUI installed but that is probably impossible for me.

        btw does anyone know if there is opensource software that has similar features like dreamweaver? I found Gimp and that comes close to photoshop, now only dreamweaver replacement and maybe a good video editing prog. (or does avid cater for linux?)

        THanks for your time.


          Re: Why did my install work?

          I only started with Linux in November, so I kinda empathize. I think part of the confusion comes from the fact that there seem to be at least 3 ways to do anything, and a lot more than that for some things. So, different paths can lead to the same result, and that gives one the impression of inconsistency.

          Envy works great for me, but I hope, fdv, you're not trying to use it with Feisty. I saw that he is not yet supporting Feisty because he's waiting for the final release of the new version of the Xserver/Xorg package. The thing I really like about Envy is that, when there is a kernel upgrade and it blows away your Nvidia driver, you will boot to a command line (text prompt). When that scary (to noobs) event happens, the first thing you do is give a "sudo envy", and it immediately jumps into action and installs the Nvidia driver, and then voila! you're back to your graphical desktop, and normal life can resume.

          With Feisty, I got successful results installing the -9746 driver for my GeF7900GS by following EXACTLY the "Method 2" driver installation instructions on this page (even though the instructions are supposed to be for Edgy):

          After it is installed, you want to run the following command in the console:

          sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite

          I hope this helps a bit.


            Re: Why did my install work?

            Not using Feisty, but I appreciate the link to albertomilone.
            Something new for me to try that might work better.

