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Envy problems (was: nvidia driver probs)

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    Envy problems (was: nvidia driver probs)

    N.B. I have read kubicle's advice at
    Thanks, kubicle. I still have a mystery going on though.

    To review, I am also trying to Envy. I installed the DEB.
    Worked OK.
    I used Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a console and log in.
    Worked OK.
    I typed sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop to get rid of the GUI.
    Worked OK.
    I then typed "Envy".
    I hit Enter, and nothing happened. I typed "envy_0.8.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb" and nothing happened.
    I typed "67yheiyh4yj74gfw765lyrherfgbhvef" and nothing happened.
    Let me state that again so as to emphasize that I am not being sarcastic: I hit a bunch of random keys and after about 50 characters I hit Enter.
    Nothing happened. Not even an error.
    The system would let me type... and that's it. I have been able to replicate this behavior consistently.

    Q1. What is happening?

    I rebooted and started in the menu option's "safe mode." I logged in and typed Envy.
    I got a menu, so it was working. I made my choice.
    At 99%, I was asked for the install CD.
    Which is strange, and I'll even tell you why... One of the first things I did was to make changes to something in Apt IIRC so that I would NEVER be asked for the CD; instead, the OS would check the Internet.
    Well, anyway, given this inconsistent bevahior, I just pretended this was Windows <Laughs>
    So I put the CD in. And I hit Enter.
    And at 99%, I was asked for the install CD.
    So I hit Enter again.
    And at 99%, I was asked for the install CD. (You can surely see where this is going).

    Q2. Why won't it accept the CD?
    Q3. Why is it even asking when it should be checking the 'net?

    Thanks for the help...