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Thinking of installing Kubuntu

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    Thinking of installing Kubuntu


    I was think of installing Kubuntu to my desktop along with XP the only thing that is stopping me at this point are a few questions.

    First I am an giant gamer and was wonder how easy it is to install windows games. I was also told by a buddy that sometime when you use a emulator that games with multiple CD have a hard time installing.

    Second thing is I hear the video graphics are kinda wack and hard

    Re: Thinking of installing Kubuntu

    If you are going to install kubuntu along side XP, just use your xp box on the games that don't play on kubuntu

    you can always check here : for what games have been tested under wine.

    not sure what you mean by

    Originally posted by bigdog889
    Second thing is I hear the video graphics are kinda wack and hard
    not sure what you mean by that. i don't play video games (although i probably should) so I can't help out too much with that.


      Re: Thinking of installing Kubuntu

      oh sorry the second part i meant was it was hard to install all the drivers and some cards don't work, some do, some work in certain modes others don't, so confusing

      yea i guess that would work but i was thinking of slowly coverting over totally and no xp at all.


        Re: Thinking of installing Kubuntu

        Originally posted by bigdog889
        i meant was it was hard to install all the drivers and some cards don't work, some do, some work in certain modes others don't, so confusing
        Sounds as if you never tried to (re-)install a Windoze box from scratch, for otherwise you would know what "confusion" really means :P

        Be that as it may - in order to find more about the status of Linux support for your specific graphics card, you may feed this part's make and model to

        - Kubuntu Search
        - Ubuntu Search
        - Google Linux

        and skim through the particular results to get an idea of what will (not) be going on.


          Re: Thinking of installing Kubuntu

          If you are playing games then just do a dual-boot and use windows for gaming. My current setup has about 15gb for windows, and all its used for is the odd spot of gaming, the rest of my drive is kubuntu and is used for everything else.

          You might find the following ubuntu review interesting

          basic conclusion, other that quake 4, do your gaming in windows. That said for everything else kubuntu is much better.


            Re: Thinking of installing Kubuntu

            Originally posted by bigdog889
            First I am an giant gamer and was wonder how easy it is to install windows games. I was also told by a buddy that sometime when you use a emulator that games with multiple CD have a hard time installing.
            It's usually a hell (some are very easy, but it's not the rule). And most are going to work with some gotchas. For a gamer, Linux, right now, it's not an option.

            For example I have no interest in installing Linux on my Wii ;P.

            Kind of bad joke. Game developers usually take a platform to its limits. If they expect windows, everything will run smoother if you give them windows.

            Second thing is I hear the video graphics are kinda wack and hard
            2D Video graphics near always work out of the box. 3d acceleration can give some problems with some cards. Usually sticking to an Intel, Nvidia or an Ati means that everything will work fine with similar hassless as windows (install drivers) or less.

            Inboard cheap graphics cars like the via in this computer usually don't provide anything but very basic 3D under linux. It works fine (and out-of-the-box) in 2D.



              Re: Thinking of installing Kubuntu

              okay sounds good. i think ill hold off on installing Kubuntu. doesnt seem like the solution i was looking for.

              thanks for your help


                Re: Thinking of installing Kubuntu

                hehe, this hsould be fun. I dotn game as much as I used to but ALL the games I play right now are supported on WINE:
                starcraft, Diablo II and LOD, neverwinter nights I and II and Unreal tournament 2004

                I guess I will just have to get used to open office or Koffice.

