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Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

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    Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.


    Right i just ran some updates and got some error box appeared that has now cocked up adept manager

    P:Right so a little red triangle in the bottom right of the tool bar appeared stating i have 94 update, i clicked onto apply to download the updates. Then a error box appeard that states " Debconf on mreko, Incorrect Nice Value, Please Enter a Integer between -20 and 19" with help, back, next and cancel buttons, neither of which did anything.

    So i rebooted then did the same went to update and same again. so i switch off and went to bed now today when switching on i have a different fualt, I now click on the adept package updater and it states 154 updates however when it loads it doesnt even get to the stage to update it just throughs the following error:-

    EM: Database locked - adept updater "Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one."

    T: i have rebooted, there is nothing showing running or from what i can see that shares this application so the above error doesnt seem applicable, yet i cant seem to update or install new apps

    Help much appreciated


    Mr Eko

    Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

    ps just started a root console then ran dkpg --configure

    then apt-get dist-upgrade

    which is downloading the updates now as we speak i will let you all know if this let me use adept manager after they have completed


      Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

      Sweeeeeeeeet all works again! i think this bug or fault i had may only be found with people using kubuntu 7.4


        Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

        ARGH! that error box has appeared again " Debconf on mreko, Incorrect Nice Value, Please Enter a Integer between -20 and 19"

        Help - doesnt do any thing

        Back - Is grayed out

        Next - doesnt do anything eaither

        Cancel - when clicking cancel the box reappears then eventually it states " There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. "

        i noticed when looking at adept manger it has getting up to the "X11-Common..." in the updates bar, im guessing this is what is causing this, can any one help? or does this now mean i have to update via root untill theres a fix

        cheers Mr eko


          Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

          Are you running Feisty? If so, this is a known bug:


            Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

            Ahh mr dible i am using Feisty :P i guess its a feisty only error

            bugger i should of stuck with 6.10 untill the full release came out

            oh well


            Mr eko


              Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

              Patience, Monsieur Eko! This exact same error happened early last week, and was repaired by Wednesday. Feisty is in development and such events are to be expected (but not with anticipation!).


                Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.

                ahhh im all new to this linux.. but i love it , its fast as sh*t of a stick like and seems stable from what i've read, i just wish games could be installed simply and would play online ok.

                i tried that wine cause i wanted itunes on ... well what a night mare in then i just ended up reinstalling kubuntu :/

