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Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

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    Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

    Athlon 64 3500
    1 GB PC3200 DDR
    MSI RS480M2-IL motherboard
    Alcohol 120% on XP Media Center being used to burn the ISO

    I'm getting the following message when installing:

    Decompressing Linux... Done

    [ 40.058602] PCI: Cannot allocate resources region 3 of device 0000:00:00.0

    User not known to the underlying authentication module.


    That last line is repeated seven or eight times, and after that the system is unresponsive. I read that USB devices can cause driver conflicts when doing this install so I unhooked all of my USB devices. Unfortunately, I got the same result.

    I tried checking the CD that I made with the built in testing function that's also on the iso. It found 4 errors. When I made another CD on my friend's computer using Nero instead of Alcohol 120% I got the same error and also found 4 errors on the CD (specifically it said "Check Finished: 4 checksums failed", I don't know what that means).

    I tried making another CD with Alcohol but I made it at the slowest speed (I read that for some reason the AMD 64 specific iso that Kubuntu distributes has a higher probability of having problems than the other isos). It came up with the same errors.

    Someone on another forum suggested that I try another CD rom drive as mine might be having issues. That ended up working (I suspect because my first drive is also a lightscribe drive which I bet Kubuntu doesn't like for some reason but my second drive isn't).

    So, I made it past the installion screen (using the CD I made on a slower speed) but I got a new error. It comes up with a command line just saying ubuntu@ubuntu$~ (I think those last two characters are right, I'm doing this post from memory). If you got to this website:
    I can make it past the second screen but not to the third screen.

    Any ideas on how to remedy this? Of course, if you need more information I would be happy to give it.

    Oh, one other thing. I'm going to try and install Kubuntu on my 2 GB USB drive. Will that be enough space? And if it's not, can I just use PartionMagic (v. 8) to partion my hard drive before I do the install that I won't have to have Kubuntu do it for me? My reasoning is I think using Kubuntu to create the necessary partitions necessitates it [Kubuntu] reformatting whatever particular partition it's going to install on, thus if I partition before it installs I wouldn't lose anything because that partition will be blank. Correct?

    I know this is complicated (or I at least made it complicated) so thank you very much for your help.

    Edit- It occurrred to me that I forgot some other information.
    I downloaded the 6.10 version (Edgy Eft) (to be specific I downloaded the AMD64 alternative install iso) from the website (not the torrent). Now, I thought that this one was stable. But perhaps I'm wrong.
    Should I try to be installing the 6.06 version (Dapper Drake I believe it's called)? I wouldn't think that's the problem as this seems more hardware related but I'm obviously much newer at this.
    I'm 99% sure that I need the AMD64 alternative install as I've got an AMD 64 bit processor. But, again, I'm still learning. Thanks for the help.

    Edit- I just keep forgetting stuff and I apologize for that. When I put the CD I burned in either drive when Windows is running, it autoplays and allows me to install some stuff (I'm not exactly sure what's going on, is that the Live CD option?).

    Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

    Long post. Let's try it in order.

    You have downloaded a text based alternate install, not the "normal" one. It's intended for power uses (linux power users, not windows power users , server install, or low memory systems.

    If you insert it while windows is runing it will let install you some open source windows programs, not it's not the "LiveCD" thing. You should download:

    6.10 is the latest stable version.

    Just boot the new disk and you will see what a "LiveCD" is .

    BTW, if you find similar problems with the new disk, you can hit ALT+F2 or ALT+F3 (I cant' remember) and you will be showed more messages. Look for an error there.

    Good luck.



      Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

      I downloaded the iso that you link to and was able to create a CD with no detected errors (using the Kubuntu disk checker that comes up on the install screen). Unfortunately, I still get to the second difficulty (the ubuntu@ubuntu$~: command line).

      I noticed that I only get to this point if I use my second CD-ROM drive. The first one gives me the first error described. I think it might be because the first drive is lightscribe capable whilst the second one isn't.

      Oh, by the way, I tried installing without any USB cables plugged in as I read that sometimes Kubuntu has issues with them while installing.

      So, I'll take any advice ya'all are willing to give.



        Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

        Someone on another forum suggested there could be something up with my BIOS. Does that seem possible? The computer isn't old (it's about 18 months old) but it's not right out the package. I don't want to flash my BIOS if I don't have to as I've never done it before so it's rather intimidating.

        I checked and the MSI Live Update Service couldn't find any new BIOS for me but it could find 3 new drivers, 11 VGA drivers for my VGA card (obviously that doesn't pertain to this), and 8 utilities (probably not useful). Any thoughts on this?



          Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

          Have you tried to hit ALT+F2 or ALT+F3 and see if there are any useful error message there.

          Right now, it could be anything.



            Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

            I figured out what was wrong.

            I tried to boot Ubuntu instead of Kubuntu just to see what would happen. I got a very messed up (graphically speaking) screen that said it couldn't load the X system and that it had an error.

            That prompted me to go into the BIOS (per Bob's suggestion) and disable everything I didn't need. When I switched my video card from PCI-Express installed one to the onboard one, I was able to boot Kubuntu.

            Now I just have one much simpler problem. I'm trying to install it onto my 2 GB flash drive but it's not working too well. The installer get's to 99% and then crashes. The error basically says that the hard drive device ran out of room. Since what I've read indicates that the install is just over 2 GB I think that if I just got rid of a few of the extraneous programs that comes packaged with Kubuntu, then I could get it all on there. Oddly enough, the installer did not give me the option on what to install.

            Thus, I was wondering if there is a way to go into the iso file I downloaded and delete some of the extra programs. Some things on there I just don't need or want (such as the 3D editing program). Thus, I was wondering if there is a way to access the iso and delete programs such as those and then burn a new CD? Even better would be an installer that let's me pick and choose which non-essential programs I want.



              Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

              Are you looking for this?




                Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

                Is it the same for Kubuntu or are some of the file names changed?


                  Re: Installing Kubuntu- ubuntu@ubuntu problem

                  It's the same.

