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Installation Problem on Restart

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    Installation Problem on Restart

    I'm not too sure what to do.
    I've used linux before, but I've never done too well with it.

    I tried using the Kubuntu live install dvd 6.10 yesterday, and it seemed to work just great at first.

    It booted up, went into the KDE shell. I started up the installer, set a root directory, a swap, a /home, and a /usr, and told it to reformat root, swap, and /usr.

    It ran just fine, then it got to the part where it prompted me to reboot my computer. It loaded the ubuntu boot screen, and then ejected the disk, and told me to remove the disk from the drive, close the drive door, and press enter. I did so, and nothing happened. I let it sit about 20 minutes, and nothing happened. I'm not really sure what's causing it to freeze up. I'm not sure whether it reformated the drives or not, but it didn't delete my sourcemage boot loader, so i don't think it did.

    Right now my system has sourcemage linux and windows XP on it.

    any help here?

    Re: Installation Problem on Restart

    When that happened to me, it was due to video display driver not being right for my ATI Radeon graphics card (I use Nvidia these days).

    When you get the boot screen, try selecting "text mode" or the console (I don't remember exactly what choices you see on that screen) -- you need to get to a command line. Once you've got the command line, and you have logged in, try this:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

    This is a script that configures your xorg.conf file. When you get to the video card choices, choose "VESA" rather than you actual card manufacturer. Most of the rest of the choices can be the defaults. For the monitor, choose something that you know your monitor can easily do, like 800x600. If, when you complete this script, the xserver starts and you get a GUI desktop, then you will know you are dealing with a video driver issue, and you can research this forum and the Ubuntu forum for the appropriate solution for your card.



      Re: Installation Problem on Restart

      But KDE boots off of the live CD fine, and all the rest of the installation process seems to go well.

      Maybe it could have something to do with the fact that i have 2 monitors plugged into my video card?


        Re: Installation Problem on Restart

        Yes, the live CD uses a generic "fits 'em all" display mode that all modern graphics cards will display correctly. But upon installing the system, it will attempt to ID your card and then select a "better" driver, which isn't always so much better. :P

        Yes, you need to keep things as simple as possible for the initial installation -- one monitor will be difficult enough. When one is working correctly, you can try it with two.



          Re: Installation Problem on Restart

          Okay. Should I do that before or after attempting to install it?


            Re: Installation Problem on Restart

            Go ahead and do the installation (with only 1 monitor, please). Or, unless you've changed it, simple reboot the computer. Upon reboot, select the console and do the dpkg-reconfigure command that I wrote above.


              Re: Installation Problem on Restart

              I think another problem might be that i didn't reformat the paritions before starting. I'm installing this in the place of sourcemage.

              I'm not sure whether it will make a different or not though.

              I'm hoping just one monitor will do the trick.

