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I need some help with Beryl!

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    I need some help with Beryl!

    Hi i just installd Beryl according to the instructions from this link

    Everything has worked out ok until i get to the chapter called: Running Beryl
    when i type Beryl-manager in the terminal i just get a blank screen. well not blank its creamy colored with no icons.and i cant get out from that screen.
    i have installed fglrx and i have direct rendering, so i dont know what the problem is.
    another thing is that when i open adept package manager there is a couple of Beryl packages that is not installed should i install any of those??

    And my last question: i have just got automatix bleeder and there is an option there for proprietary drivers for ati graphics cards like my radeon card, and there is also a option for installing beryl. can i install those Ati drivers and then use automatix for instaling Beryl??

    Re: I need some help with Beryl!

    when i type Beryl-manager in the terminal i just get a blank screen. well not blank its creamy colored with no icons.and i cant get out from that screen.
    ctrl-alt-backspace will take you to the login screen.

    I have given up installing it, been doing it for about 2 weeks and cannot get it going properly. I once had the white screen and i could see the cube sort-of as i messed with buttons etc...

    Might try again, i'm a glutted for punishment!!!

    Ati X1300...


      Re: I need some help with Beryl!

      I have been at it for a week now. thinking about giving up and by a nvidia graphics card and chop my radeon into small small pieces >


        Re: I need some help with Beryl!

        Never mind graphics > i was messing as usual and trying VMware so i can use XP while booted into linux, i and rebooted, could not get beyond Kbu splash screen.

        I remembered that i had to remove a previous version of VMware and doing so i think it too xorg out. So silly me... i apt-get install kde, then sudo reboot...

        Nothing just the same So i sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and set it to a vesa config, rebooted and at last i could login **BUT** i have what looks like a fresh install of Kubuntu as all my settings in programs and desktop eye candy have all gone even downloaded wallpaper have gone. Im totally cheesed off with this because i have had tweaked the setup in that many places it will take another 3 weeks to do again and then I'll not have what i had before.

        Just looked and have got alot of apps that i did not have before...

        MMMmmm think i'll try XP and use VMware for Kubuntu as its easier in windows than this.

        EDIT: I had logged in as root from the reconfigure terminal at boot-up, thats why it looked like everything had been wiped.

