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I'm an idiot

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    Re: I'm an idiot

    kk, first post, a little more knowledge than complete newbie here... figuring some stuff out, but need some help.

    i also was trying to install the baghira theme. i used adept, went to kcontrol>style and chose baghira. i'm not certain if anything changed. i thought the icons for window minimize, maximize and kill were all supposed to be red/green/yellow and on the left. they're blue, square, and on the top right. am i missing something? do i need to install something else to make it look more like OS X ?

    thanx for help in advance

    figured it out. played around with the window appearances after running kcontrol>appearance & theme>window decorations. apparently a nice littel drop down list which baghira was in


      Re: I'm an idiot

      I am also a noob and I need help getting Baghira to work.

      I installed it, either with Symantic or Adept, can't remember, but it's not showing up as a theme. Can someone point the way for me?



        Re: I'm an idiot

        I understand Superlouis frustration. The main difference with the-old-days-when-you-were-learning-win98 is now, there is an alternative that you are more familiar with, while back then, there probably wasn't and you just had to learn or stay away from computers.

        My general personal advice to install packages (for I've only recently switched to Linux) is the following:

        1. a. If you are only used to get working in the GUI, your packagemanager (be it Synaptic or Adept) is your friend to install packages. They provide you with the right package-type. In this case, this is .deb, as the *buntu's are debian-based. There is no linux-uniform .exe file type like you used to be working with. The choice of distros is accompanied by a choice of package-types. Of course, to find out what the function of a certain package is, you can google around, like you do to find out what win-programs do.
        1. b. If you are willing to type, you can work in console to install packages. Apt-get install is your magic command. This step may look evident for Linux-users, but don't forget that most people are only used to point-and-click.

        2. If you don't find it in the packagemanager, try to look for it on the net. Remember to look for .deb files

        3. If you don't find it there as well, just look for an alternative. Once you're more familiar with linux, you can try to compile yourself, but don't get frustrated with it too soon. There are lots of .deb packages available that should help you out. I've been with kubuntu for, let's say, 4 months. Just to learn and for fun, so I don't spend all day behind my (fairly old) kubuntu-box. And I'm at the moment not yet considering compiling myself.

        Don't try to run too fast, by compiling and stuff, it will only get you frustrated. Time will tell when you want to go further.

        Finally, superlouis, I wish you lots of success and hope you keep on Buntu-ing. After all, some of use need some fellow 'idiots' (as you called yourself) around, just to feel "accompanied by equals"

