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Sagem F@st 800...[not supported yet???]

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    Sagem F@st 800...[not supported yet???]

    February 25, 2007

    I am about 2 days new user of Kubuntu 6.10.
    At this stage I can not establish an ADSL connection.
    I use a Sagem USB modem.
    I even tried to establish a dial up connection with no result.

    Can anybody help?

    March 09, 2007

    After searching a lot in the Web, I guess that the usb adsl modem Sagem Fast 800 E4 is not supported yet.

    Therefore if you type the following commands and you get:

    dmesg | grep ueagle

    [17222367.036000]: [ueagle-atm] driver ueagle-gna 1.3 loaded
    [17222367.036000]: usbcore: registered new driver ueagle-atm


    Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4703]: Plugin pppoatm. so loaded
    Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4705]: pppd 2.4.4 by user,uid 1000
    Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4705]: connect (8.35): No such device
    Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4705]: Exit

    Check the following link

    and participate in the development of the new ueagle driver.

    Re: no Internet connection...

    Let us know what you've tried, and we'll try and help.



      Re: no Internet connection...

      Thanks for your interest.

      I found some useful information in the following links: (English) (French)

      I build the ueagle-atm driver using the following files:

      I tried to establish a connection using the commands:
      $sudo kate /etc/ppp/peers/ueagle-atm

      And editing:

      user ""
      plugin 8.35
      Note: when I run either kate or kwrite I receive the following notices:
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      And when I save and close the text editor:
      QObject:: disconnect: Unexpected null parameter

      Later I edit the following file:
      $sudo kate /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
      By typing:
      "" ''*'' "password" ''*''
      Note: again the same notice:
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device

      I test the connection with the following commands:
      $sudo modprobe ueagle-atm
      $dmesg | grep ueagle
      And I get:
      [17222367.036000]: [ueagle-atm] driver ueagle-gna 1.3 loaded
      [17222367.036000]: usbcore: registered new driver ueagle-atm

      Instead of this indicated in the instructions
      [4294707.683000] usb 1-1: [ueagle-atm] modem operational
      [4294707.691000] usb 1-1: [ueagle-atm] ATU-R firmware version : 44e2ea17

      Is that a good sign??

      I establish the connection with:
      $sudo modprobe pppoatm
      $sudo pppd call ueagle-atm
      plugin loaded

      and I configure it with:
      This is what I get:
      lo Lien encap: Local Loopback
      inet adr: Masque:
      inet6: ::1/128 Scope:Host
      UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
      RX packets:144 errors:0 :0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:144 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txquelen:0
      RX bytes: 10464 (10.2 KiB) TX bytes: 10464 (10.2 KiB)

      When I run the command plog I get:

      Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4703]: Plugin pppoatm. so loaded
      Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4705]: pppd 2.4.4 by user,uid 1000
      Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4705]: connect (8.35): No such device
      Feb 25 19:30:16 user-desktop pppd[4705]: Exit

      Finally, no Internet access.
      Desperate. Can anybody help??


        Re: Sagem F@st 800...[not supported yet]

        check the following links:

        although they are in french you can find the drivers you need in order to make your sagem usb modem working [even E4 & kernel 2.6.17-10-generic], I did it...

        you can reach their posts at:

