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Why nots? As in "Can we break these things?"

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    Why nots? As in "Can we break these things?"

    Greetings from the edge of the world.

    We are wasting an inordinate amount of time with a few minor niggles and we wondered if anyone here was willing to share their experiences. We have spent many hours now Googling and feel no more informed.

    1. We find that the empty space above the - very long - address box and the - too short - search box in Konqueror are begging to have a few bookmarks installed so we can eliminate the bookmarks toolbar.
    We gather from our reading that we can indeed futzz with things and get at these bits.

    Does anyone know why we cant or shouldnt do this?

    2. We are frustrated with the as yet unfound string of code that makes the default applications load and run with a SINGLE click on the associated files - GRRRRRRR! We are to sloppy for this but as yet have found not the way to set the single to double click.

    Is there some reason for this we fail to understand being Noob? Is there some reason we cant change/ shouldnt change this and has anyone here done so?

    3. We have been frustrated with the clear waste of space that all these DEBs and their brethren are using and we are unable to remove because of the way they are interconnected in the distro - like we cant dump some games we will never use and didnt want - however even more disturbing is that we cant seem to find any clear way to copies the applications from one machine to another - thus saving time if not space.

    Is there a reason we shouldnt/cant copies Debs and applications in general to other machines?
    This may not be clear. But perhaps it is understandable to some generouse peoples.

    Thank you for your time

    Re: Why nots? As in "Can we break these things?"

    1. Its not a real solution, but if you use firefox then you can get the personal menu extension which will allow you to do away with the menu bar which saves on one bar at least (even if its not the one you'd like). You can also add the bookmarks menu directly to the same navigation toolbar (the one with the search bar).

    2. Or do you want to change files from opening on single click, to opening on double click, in which case its in kmenu>system settings>keyboard & mouse>mouse
    If this is what you want then I would seriously recommend sticking with single click, its annoying at first but once you get the hang of it really is a major improvement (took me about a month from when I switched from windows before I stopped having to think about it).
    Another thing which may be useful is to change the default applications used by certain file formats. One easy way of doing this is right-click on a file of the desired type, click properties, now click on the picture of a spanner, this will bring up a list of the apps that are associated with this file type and by whichever is at the top of the list will be used by default, just move them up and down the list (or even add or remove apps from this list).

    3. Copying apps from one computer to another is not really something that should be necessary unless you are using apps not in the repositories as you can just install them using adept. If you are using apps from outside the repositories and installing them from .deb files then the same .deb should be able to install it for all your kubuntu computers.


      Re: Why nots? As in "Can we break these things?"

      Thank you Marshallbanana.
      We have changed the mouse setting to allow for our sloppiness.

      Yes it was the ability to stretch the search window and place the bookmarks in Firefox that originated our discomfort. We are trying to live without Firefox and generally slim down the overall installation.

      That is why we find it bothersome that we must connect to the web - with our tiny and slow connection - to install the same files it took two days to download for the machine containing a CD burner. However we have found it more reasonable to allow apt-get or synaptic. We have several distros going at once most days and the confusion with diffferent users makes it easier but much more time and bandwidth consumptive. This we felt must have been an issue for others. Perhaps not.


        Re: Why nots? As in "Can we break these things?"

        If you have a bunch of machines that should update from a tiny connection, the best solution is probably to setup one of hose machines as a repositories server.

        It will keep all packages updates from the internet and be the only machine in the repositories list of the others. It's also a great way of restricting the software than users can install.

        The above link is the easiest way.

        Repositories are just http servers. You can navigate them with a browser and download any deb that you will like to install.

        And finally all the debs that adept or apt-get download are stored here:

        You can copy and install those files in another computer.


