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Help with NVidia video driver installer

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    Help with NVidia video driver installer

    Hi all,

    Right I've been using windows for over 9 years now and Mac osx for the past year odd which I'm both very familiar with, however I want to get to grips with Linux I have installed the latest kubuntu 6.10 and to be honest I haven't a clue what to do now...

    I have tried looking up information on my problems but half of what I find I don't understand.

    Firstly how do I install applications, I have just install kubuntu so its all on basic settings so far, I need to set up my wireless ADSL modem connection so I can then get on the internet.

    secondly if someone could give me some basic information on how to go about installing so I can set my self away, as hoping to get my NVIDIA drivers sorted and set up a nice fancy interface with Beryl.


    Mr eko

    Re: help a complete noob.

    "how do I install applications" See "How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu!" at

    "hoping to get my NVIDIA drivers sorted " Check out the script "Envy" at It finds what card is installed and downloads and installs the correct driver. It doesn't seem to work for 100% of people but it is worthwhile giving it a try...

    "set up a nice fancy interface with Beryl" Still a bit experimental and not fully stable
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: help a complete noob.

      ahh nice one cheers well im at work at the moment il try it when i get home later.

      whats that program called for wireless routers which allows you to use your windows drivers or some thing along those lines it begins with a N lol

      once again cheers


        Re: help a complete noob.


        Not all cards need it.
        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


          Re: help a complete noob.

          thanks for your fast responce you have been a great help cheers


            Re: help a complete noob.

            back again.. any way im learning however stuck a new problem, im trying to install the latest nvidia drivers im using these instructions...

            . Download the latest driver from Nvidia's site

            3. Go into runlevel 3 (no GUI). This can be acheived several ways:

            a) By typing CTRL+ALT+F1(or F2-F6), then logging in as root and typing init 3

            b) By typing a 3 at the GRUB boot prompt.

            c) By editing your /etc/inittab. See below for details.

            d) Debian/Ubuntu users may need to use /etc/init.d/gdm stop instead.

            4. Log in as root user, if you aren't already.

            5. Find the driver you just downloaded and run it using something like sh

            6. If it gives you any of the errors below, ignore them and continue:

            Now when doing ctrl alt and f1 then the sh NVIDIA-which ever it states i need to be in root.. now i cant switch to root in kubuntu and i cant work out how.. i have messed about with init 3 but nothing appears for that :s ... HeLp!!!

            also why is it ever time i log into linux there is a .directory file on my desktop?

            cheers lew


              Re: help a complete noob.

              Try the script "Envy". It will find out what Nvidia video card is installed, download and install the correct driver. Read about it at

              It appears that it doesn't work for everyone though.
              "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
              "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


                Re: help a complete noob.

                Mr_Eko: The script way is probably the easiest way, but for reference I'll comment on the instructions you posted.

                They would work on, say, SuSE, but Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu set things up a little differently. Use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a console and log in; then (as Kubuntu uses K Desktop Manager not Gnome Desktop Manager) sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop will get rid of the GUI. Kubuntu by default doesn't have a 'root' user enabled for login, so anything that you need to be root for, just put 'sudo' before (sudo ./


                  Re: help a complete noob. [Envy installer script]

                  I have been threadfollowing and tried JamesM's advice.

                  Use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a console and log in

                  Worked OK

                  then (as Kubuntu uses K Desktop Manager not Gnome Desktop Manager) sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop will get rid of the GUI.

                  Worked OK

                  I then typed "Envy". Just "Envy". I hoped that the script was in a path my system recognized (it is on my desktop, and it is saved as envy_0.8.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb) and I hoped that the system would magically understand that "Envy" means envy_0.8.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb.

                  I hit Enter, and nothing happened. I typed "envy_0.8.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb" and nothing happened. I typed "67yheiyh4yj74gfw765lyrherfgbhvef" and nothing happened.

                  The system would let me type... and that's it. Now, I am listening to Lenny Kravitz sing "You Were In My Heart," so I'm feeling a little better about things, but I'm that combination of pissed and puzzled that all n00bs get after we're told a magic code and nothing even remotely close to what is billed as what's going to happen actually does

                  Q1. What happened?
                  Q2. How do I get Envy to execute sans GUI?
                  Q3. If I want out of CTRL+ALT+F1, how do I get back into the GUI? I have tried startx and that doesn't work.


                    Re: help a complete noob. [Envy installer script]

                    Originally posted by fdv
                    Q1. What happened?
                    I'm not familiar with envy, but the .deb file you downloaded is not a script, it's a deb package which you can install by right-clicking on it and choosing KubuntuPackageMenu>InstallPackage.
                    Q2. How do I get Envy to execute sans GUI?
                    Install the package first, then you should be able to run the script like you described.
                    Q3. If I want out of CTRL+ALT+F1, how do I get back into the GUI? I have tried startx and that doesn't work.
                    (For historical reasons the 1-6 virtual terminals are reserved for text terminals and 7+ are for X-sessions)

                    EDIT: if you've killed the x-session with
                    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                    then you can start it again with
                    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start


                      Re: help a complete noob.

                      > argh! i gone and messed up kubuntu i need help again.

                      basicly i was using envy to try update my graphics driver, so i clicked 1 for nvidia drivers and i recived the error message " not a reconised OS or your Os is not envy compatable" this probs because i updated to the latest kubuntu?? im guessing, well it was some thing along those lines any way.

                      Right so i then tried a different option.. the one that said restart Xserver, Kubuntu then restarted and loads as normal however it just freezes at black blank screen with a white flashing cusure in the top left corner of the screen (bugger).

                      is there a command to put it all back to normal.

                      many thanks

                      Mr Eko


                        Re: help a complete noob.


                        When this happens have you tried Ctrl-Alt-F7 or Ctrl-Alt-F1?



                          Re: help a complete noob.

                          yup it just stays the same with ctrl alt f7 and with others like f1 f2 ect it takes me to a command prompt terminal however i dont know what do do to get it back on


                            Re: help a complete noob.


                            You may need to reconfigure your xserver

                            sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg




                              Re: help a complete noob.

                              yo mike i tried what you said and same again dosent work

