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[solved] Starting the Alternate Installer from DVD

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    [solved] Starting the Alternate Installer from DVD

    Hi folks!
    I'm new to Kubuntu and I have a very newbie-like question:
    I've downloaded and burned the Kubuntu Dapper Drake DVD and want to install Kubuntu using the text based installer, but when I boot from the DVD it instantly boots the Live Desktop.
    It was mentioned at some place that the DVD would contain the Desktop CD as well as the Alternate CD and I was hoping there would be some kind of boot menu to chose between them.
    Help would be very much appreciated.

    Re: [solved] Starting the Alternate Installer from DVD

    Ugh, I figured it out. The bootmenu was there, I just couldn't see it because my graphica card doesn't show anything on my regular monitors before a certain time if a TV is connected to to the graphics card.

