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Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

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    Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

    Hi all,
    I've just installed Kubuntu onto an old Dell Inspiron 100 laptop and all's gone well so far. I've fixed the screen resolution issue that seems to have plagued 1100 owners and I'm now trying to get the wireless PCMCIA card to work.

    However, I simply cannot get it to work. I know it's in fully working condition - it still works fine when I boot into Windows XP, so the reason seems to be linked to Kubuntu in some way.

    having had a look through some docs, I ran the lswh command. This seemed to return the information on the card, but it's flagged as DISABLED.

    Running the iwconfig command, it tells me that eth1 is NOT READY!

    If I'm reading this information correctly, it does appear that drivers are loaded/installed and it's just that the card is currently disabled within Kubuntu.

    Can anyone please provide information on enabling the Netgear WG511 card on a Dell Inspiron 1100 with Kubuntu installed? I'm a complete Linux/Kubuntu newbie, so any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

    [I'm not entirely sure what version I'm running - I got the CD from a friend. How can I identify which version I've got?]

    Re: Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

    Have you gone to Networking in the K Menu? It will usually ask your password and show devices for ll prolly notice that one or more cards are not yet activated....simply click on the unactivated card, and let it do its thing.....should activate your card in a few moments......

    good luck


      Re: Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

      Cheers. I'm nearly sure I looked at this yesterday but there weren't any interfaces mentioned. Not that it matters, there are two listed now.

      I found the wired and wireless interfaces in the Network settings and managed to connect via my wired connection on eth0, but the wireless on eth1 is still refusing become "enabled". It's the wireless one I really need as my wireless router is in another room on a different floor!

      As far as I can tell, the correct drivers are associated with the card (Prism54), so there aren't any issues that way.

      Any further tips are welcome!


        Re: Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

        I had to tinker a bit as well since i just installed a wireless switch/ router to my dsl router, and tried a couple of things......kwifi, for example....make sure its all correct under config and see if you at least find your network.

        You might also want to disable the wired connection, so the box isnt looking for that hookup rather than wireless, and i think (im not on my kubuntu box atm) you should specify at the bottom of the networking which device should be used......

        hopefully, the right combo of the above will help you get unwired in no time.....

        PS Look at ifconfig, as well for your network cards....wired and non......


          Re: Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

          I've read that it might be better if I removed the Prism54 module and install something called ndiswrapper instead. Does this make any sense to anyone?

          As a complete noob, how do I remove driver modules?


            Re: Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

            remove modules? i still dont do that unless explicitly told by someone who is willing to take the blame for everything that goes wrong in my life from that moment on...heh :-)

            Keep hacking at it....look carefully at all the docs and posts that resemble your situation ...some problems dont get resovled in a day, but when you figure it out, you never forget it! A power surge just knocked my box out and my net connections and i had to pretty much redo it all.....making it up as i went along and going back to the google pages....

            definitely have some docs preferably from google nearby ...and be specific in your search....kubuntu, your card name, wireless, router name......its probably something quite simple....or someone will come in here and have the answer...

            remember, linux is about self reliances in the 'd never learn as much on windows or have as much control over your hard and software.....

            some recommend keeping a journal in the early days, to remember all the new commands and configurations....

            i ll be back ,,,,wish i had the answer at the moment,,,,but try the gui tools in kde , and see what results you get, note them down and read up a bit. Last time i had a router install problem, it was windows, so its not just us nix users that suffer



              Re: Netgear WG511, Dell Inspiron 1100 and Kubuntu

              ndiswrapper in a nutshell is installing the windows drivers provided by most router companies.....who recommended that? i wouldnt touch any modules already matching your card unless....well, see my previous post :P

