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Operating System not found ?

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    Operating System not found ?

    Hallo everyone,

    i have a big problem after installing kubuntu 6.10 on my Laptop (acer aspire 1690).
    I already had windows xp prof and i wanted to use both windows and kubuntu.

    I took the alternate-i386-CD because i didn't want to make changes in the Master Boot Record in order to be able to backup my windows system easily... (what I have to do often)

    The partitions on my 80GB harddisk before installation were:

    hda1 20GB fat32 windows xp
    hda5 30GB fat32 files
    hda6 100MB ext3 /boot
    hda7 1 GB swap
    hda8 10GB ext3 /
    hda9 15GB ext3 /home

    (I made the partitions with the installation-programm of windows xp, that i installed at first on my system)
    hda1 is a primary-partition... the others are all logical drives.

    Before formating a cluster-error occured... it said that the original size of one partition was a few cluster (i think about 100 clusters) bigger... i ignored it and the installation completed without any more errors. When i was asked, where to put Grub, i said "hda6". The installation of Grub was also succesfull.

    But after reboot the following errors occured:
    PXE-E61 Media test failure check
    PXE-E0 ....blabla... broadcom something else
    Operating System not found.
    Finally i got rid of the PXE-Error by disabling booting from network in the BIOS.
    But still my operating system is not found.

    What should I do... Isn't it possible to write Grub into an own partition?
    Do I have to reistall everything ?

    I'm a complete nOOb to Ubuntu. I searched in several forums, but didn't find an answer...
    I hope you can help (and I hope my english is good enough to understand)

    Re: Operating System not found ?

    If I understand your post you still have windows but no sign of kubuntu?? i made the mistake of using the alt cd for my first drake install and got nothing but headaches cause there was no reason to use the my case. Its good for upgrades and other things, but if you just let kubuntu install from live cd it will recognize windows and add it to your grub menu......which is a lot easier to work with than any MS mbr setup......kubuntu and most debians atm are very good at detecting not only windows but other OSs and grub can easily be edited to add , change or remove other OSs if you want.

    Try installing (assuming your Windows is fine atm) from the normal live/install will dual boot your windows.


