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Installation step failed

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    Installation step failed

    Hey there,

    I am completely new to linux and was recommended kubuntu by a friend. I am currently reading the K Thomas Ubuntu book as i was unable to find any kubuntu published books.

    I have a Toshiba Equium A80 3.2 GHZ mobile proccessor, 512mb ram, 60gb HDD. Before i formatted i succesfully installed kubuntu on my lappy but i was having problems with it crashing such as my mouse would randomly not work, even a usb mouse would not work, so it wasnt my mouse. I was recommended to reinstall it as i had most probably installed it incorrectly. However the first time i installed was through using the live boot installation rather than the text line installation, however to ensure i am installing it correct i wanted to follow what K Thomas said. The next time i came to install kubuntu i would get the following message under Select and Install Software:

    Installation step Failed

    then something about not being able a file because it was corrupt and that I could recheck the file again, (i think the file was like in windows where your installation cant read the .cab file as it was corrupt)

    the only option was to press continue, so i did and then it gave me a list of everything it was about to install, so i clicked on "select and install software" and this seems to have done the trick. I am unsure whether this is a bug or something?

    I first thought it could be the disk so i reburnt the disc from the iso file and that didnt work, then i thought it could be the write speed or the type of disc, so i tried different discs, then i tried to verify the data under nero but that had no effect.

    I am unsure whats the problem was but i seem to have got it working.

    A quick off topic question.... i have no icons on the desktop how do i get icons on the desk top such as if you were to run a live cd, you would get hda1 etc?

    Anyone else had the same problem?

    cheers thanks,

    p.s if things dont make sense it was becase half way through i got it working so i have tried to sort the grammar etc out