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Video Resolution

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    Video Resolution


    Ive recently installed kubuntu on my home laptop which is the first time I've looked at linux since the first years of redhat.

    I have a perfectly decent PC, and im looking for a replacement O/S. Im a .NET developer, and its taken a while for viable replacements for the tools that I use to become available, but that time has now come.

    The install went beautifully, and I was pleasantly surprised with the whole package, and I managed to get all of the relevant software on to enable me to make this a working computer.

    I have one problem, and its driving me crazy (crazy enough to put the kubuntu installed hard disk to one side for a moment).

    I have a 1280 by 800 display on my laptop, and a 1024 by 768 second monitor (both LCD). Whilst i can get the side monitor to display at its proper resolution, the 1280 screen will not accept the proper resolution. Whilst this is minor, when im working, it obviously makes the primary display blurred and unuseable. The display properties dialog thingy does show 1280X800, but when i press the accept button, it just wont display at that resolution.

    Its a standard INTEL P4 GM kind of integrated graphics adapter and it is working properly, and 1280X800 is in the options, but it just wont change the resolution.

    Any help is appreciated

    Re: Video Resolution


    Can you tell us which version you've installed ?
    Anyway, I know there's a package which should enable this : xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting

    Hope it helps

