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How to order amarok collections?

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    How to order amarok collections?

    Amarok is a great program -- I think. But its way of ordering collections by artist is a pain, since many of my albums don't have associated artists and so all the items fall into some default collection like "Unknown artist", which is not helpful.

    I want it to order them by album title or "song" (Don't know if it's appropriate to call a movement of a Brahms clarinet sonata a "song"...) title. In fact, I want it to use the name of the directory where I've stored the mp3 files.

    How can I accomplish one or the other of these goals, or -- better yet -- both?

    'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain

    Re: How to order amarok collections?

    On the collections tab there should be a drop down menu called 'group by' that will allow you to group by album. As for by title and directory I'm not sure sorry.

    Alternatively put them into flat view (its the button 2 to the right of 'group by').

