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Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

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    Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

    Trash has a big folder left in it that wont go.
    Click on the bin and choose 'Empty Deleted items folder'.
    It says Access Denied to this folder - yet how would it have got there in the first place if I hadn't had access?
    How can I delete it, please?

    Trash itself is hidden in /home/local/user/Trash and within that is /files/ and /info/

    Delving into that from the command line is surely not meant to happen - just to change permissions? And anyway, I do have permission. So there!

    Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

    Have you been downloading torrents? If so, did you delete the torrents in any other way than first removing from the torrent program?

    If you do this, the torrent program hide the files. One way to fix this is a Samba network, log on from a Windows computer, enable viewing hidden files in Windows - and delete these files from Windows.

    Not very elegant, but it works.

    The simple solution from there is: Remove the torrent from the torrent download program, and only then delete it from the Kubuntu PC. Then you can empty the bin.


      Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

      Thanks! This particular folder is actually phpmyadmin that I deleted.
      However I had been trying to download a Torrent (an audiobook) and gave up after two weeks and yes - deleted the file. However that file presumably disappeared quite happily!


        Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

        you could force it too

        run command from the k-menu
        kdesu konqueror

        (you are root, dont change folder permission whit it!!! you could make a mess like i did)
        just delete the files in kubuntu forget win, delete them from your torrent program and there you are
        never again you will have deleting permission error
        but watsh it dont fool around in this way


          Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!


          I understand not wanting to use the command line. However, simply sudo rm -r files...
          I actually wish windows had a useable command line (it might be my lack of knowledge about windows that makes it unuseable to me). I have had to use this for removing files before, very simple.



            Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

            Originally posted by monte48lowes

            I understand not wanting to use the command line. However, simply sudo rm -r files...

            Could you please put the sudo command on one line so I don't have to use windows for this? That is, should "files" be included? The three dots?


              Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!


              I was simply using the command 'rm' with the modifier -r or recursive. I did not intend for the post to be used by cutting and pasting to the command line, that is why it was incomplete. To answer your question. No the three dots would not be included.

              To remove files from a directory. Start in the parent directory.

              sudo rm -r <folder>/*

              To remove a directory that is empty.

              sudo rmdir <folder>



                Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                Hopefully someone can still explain how a file or directory can be deleted and end up in the Trash, and then when you try to delete it, it wont let you 'Access Denied'!!

                It is still impossible to delete any files off my SD card - they simply go into a Trash on that card which itself cannot be emptied. And so the card is always full!!

                Using rm - OK not a problem for the Trash on my computer - but it is when it keeps happening and the address is:

                Much as you may love the command line - that's a helluva lot of typing to do!

                Would love just to be able to empty Trash!!


                  Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                  ok... rm -r will remove all files recursively. To empty the trash:

                  Open konsole.

                  cd .local/share/Trash
                  rm -r files/*

                  This will remove all the contents of the file directory.

                  Hope that helps.



                    Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                    It did it (with sudo).
                    Still wondering how on earth..............but it's done!


                      Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                      all files on kubuntu have user rights if your not the right user you cant delete them it happens if you copy or make some files from another user or it was made by a program whit its own user rights
                      so your user has no rights to change or modify it

                      you dont want to use console use

                      "run command" and type "kdesu konqueror" it will open konqueror whit root user rights and hes the god so he can do anything

                      and the advantage you have you have a graphical interface
                      and its the same as using konqueror but whit root privileges


                        Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                        Didn't realise kdesu gave root privelidges.
                        Excellent - thank you. Another notch on my learning pole...


                          Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                          kdesu is really short for KDE Super User. It is similar to the command su "super user' for the command line. One must be careful when running konqueror under kdesu. If you forget...bad things can happen. That is why I really like the sudo command. It has laser accuracy.



                            Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                            i just wanted to tell that storry but you got ahead monte48lowes jajaja
                            as you said i already learned that by the hard way
                            left ubuntu unbootable changing privileges
                            but i like this way more so you can see what you are about to change and its easier
                            sudo and kdesu are the same just kdesu is graphical
                            i use it for most progs that also run ingraphics
                            like this

                            sudo apt-get will run in a console
                            kdesu apt-get will open the graphical way


                              Re: Trash wont empty. It's just rubbish!

                              Just to clarify further, by running konqueror from kdesu you are running as root until you close the konqueror window. That is where the forgetting part comes in ... sudo only works when it is purposefully placed before a command, and only lasts for that single command. It does require going to the command line, which can be scary


