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Missing Packages? (updating wireless driver and installing desktops)

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    Missing Packages? (updating wireless driver and installing desktops)

    I decided to jump into the world of Linux with Kubuntu 6.06. The first problem I'm having is that my wireless is disabled. If I enable it, it goes back to disabled. I have a Linksys WMP54G PCI wireless card. I was able to connect to the net with a wired connection. It was suggested that I use this thread to correct my problem.
    When I do
    sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
    I get
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    E: Couldn't find package build-essential

    I was also interested in trying the Ubuntu or Xubuntu desktops. In the Adept Package Manger, neither of these desktops are listed.

    It seems these two problems may be related in that I'm not locating packages? Where do I go from here?

    Re: Missing Packages? (updating wireless driver and installing desktops)

    Still working on this! I reread the instructions from that thread and saw I overlooked something.

    When running lshw, I see my card is a BCM4306, and not a Rt2500
    I found this guide
    The directions for adding Universe to the Package Manager must different for Kutuntu - the options they talk about aren't there.

    Time for bed!


      Re: Missing Packages? (updating wireless driver and installing desktops)

      Originally posted by Jeff Rage
      The directions for adding Universe to the Package Manager must different for Kutuntu - the options they talk about aren't there.
      See the following for instructions on adding repositories
      Instructions for installing gnome (ubuntu) and xfce (xubuntu) are in the menu on the left had side of same page.


        Re: Missing Packages? (updating wireless driver and installing desktops)

        Hi Jeff,

        There's a good guide to adding to your sources.list here (I find I don't use PLF, Commercial or Listen repos, so I don't add those)

        I have a bcm4318, which is similar to your card. I installed it using ndiswrapper, but instructions for the native driver (which apparently works well with 4306) are here

        Also, according to this thread, that isn't even necessary in feisty anymore (which I'm running)!


          Re: Missing Packages? (updating wireless driver and installing desktops)

          Thanks, marshallbanana, I;ll give that a try later!

          Thanks, krazy! I'll try that as well. That page is a bit confusing. ( )


            Re: Missing Packages? (updating wireless driver and installing desktops)

            OK, I got everything working.

            The link marshallbanana gave me
            worked for adding repositions. Using the column on the left, I added the gnome and xfce desktops, as well as firefox.

            Follwing the link krazy, gave me, I found my way to this page:
            This sucessfully got my wireless working.

            Thanks for the help!

