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Wireless setup

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    Wireless setup


    Wonder if anyone can help me.

    I had an old Thinkpad 240 laptop going spare, so I thought I would plunge into the world of Linux.

    Downloaded the latest Kubuntu distro (not the Beta one) Edgy Eft.

    I must say that I was impressed with the ease that it installed, and whilst my little 'ol laptop is not the greatest, it runs pretty well! LOVE the fuzzy clock!

    Everything went fine, except for my WiFi.

    I have a PCMCIA 802.11g card, and from the FCCID I *think* its RALINK RT2500 (made by Edimax), but I can't be sure as my knowledge of Linux is rather newbie...

    I can see the adaptor under system settings, but when I try and enable it I get an error saying that it could not and has to be done manually.

    Now coming from Windowz (yes I know - groan), my first thought was drivers. Therefore I hit google and found what I thought were the correct drivers.

    I managed to get the TAR file, stuck it on a pen drive, and transferred it to a directory on the linux lappy (and wow, how easy my pen drive was recognised!).

    Now I am a bit stuck. It came with basic instructions, and I managed to unTAR the image, and run various commands that I now cannot remember. I do remember submitting a MAKE and MAKE INSTALL command that worked (after logging in as root), but it still is not recognised.

    Is anyone out there willing to push me in the right direction, or give me some *basic* instruction, or tell me I am being stupid! I don't mind!

    Thank you so much in advance.


    Re: Wireless setup

    Ok, type in to Konsole

    "iwconfig" and copy paste the output here.



      Re: Wireless setup


      Thank you for your response, and sorry it took me so long to reply!

      Output from iwconfig:

      lo no wireless extensions.

      ra0 RT2500 Wireless ESSID:""
      Mode:Managed Frequency=2.412GHz Bit Rate:1 Mb/s Tx-Power:0 dBm
      RTS thrff Fragment thrff
      Link Quality=0/100 Signal Level=-120 dBm Noise level:-256 dBm
      Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
      Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

      Thank you in advance!


        Re: Wireless setup

        Have managed to sort this now thank you.

        If anyone here wants to know how I did this (was quite indepth!), then please let me know and I will post.

        Thanks for your help on here.



          Re: Wireless setup

          Apologies for not getting back to you. Would be great if you could post up what you did, then edit the first post so the thread title has [RESOLVED] in it.


