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Stupid Adept Manager.... Need Help!

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    Stupid Adept Manager.... Need Help!

    Alright, so i was installing some java stuff through the Adept Manager... and when it got to the end (after it downloads when it actually starts installing)... it froze. I got really pissed, but i restarted my computer. When i booted it back up and tried to load it... it said it was loading as read only because apt-get was already in use or adept manager was... i checked the 'Performance Monitor', and i only saw one instance of anything i'd know as an apt program. I opened the terminal and did a sudo kill (and the process #), then i tried to use the Adept Manager again... but i keep getting a message that says that i'm in read only! I really need to get some stuff installed, so if anyone can help me it'd be phenomenal.

    Re: Stupid Adept Manager.... Need Help!

    We had a similar problem in Webdownloader for X.

    Try starting the app - however it wants - let it fully load up and then see if you can cancel or delete the que/list or whatever it is and then shut down the app via its own shut down.


      Re: Stupid Adept Manager.... Need Help!

      there may be a stray lock file left over when you rebooted. Try running apt-get in a console:
      sudo apt-get upgrade
      this should give an error , and this should specify the file location, something along the lines of
      /var/lib/dpkg/lock or similar

      Delete that file:
      sudo rm /full/path/to/the/file
      then to clean up the interrupted package install, run:
      sudo dpkg --configure -a

