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Kubuntu Running slow on 1.2 ghz processor

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    Kubuntu Running slow on 1.2 ghz processor


    As you might have guessed I am new to Kubuntu and Linux in general and I have a problem on my hands.

    I installed Kubuntu 6.06 on the following computer.

    1.2 ghz AMD Duron processor
    100mhz FSB mobo
    512mb 133mhz SDRAM
    nvidia geforce3 64mb video card

    hda: maxtor 200gb internal HDD with 500mb linux swap partition, 50 gb Linux/kubuntu install, rest NTFS

    h0db:80gb Windows XP install

    LG brand dvd rom drive

    USB mouse
    ps/2 keyboard

    I recently chose to install a dual drive, dual boot kubuntu installation. I tried to install ubuntu first off as I had it on the same computer before(although with 256mb less ram) and it used to run just fine. This time around I had some major trouble installing ubuntu however and decided to go with kubuntu. I booted up the live disk to install and the mouse movements were extremely choppy, however I just chalked it up to the fact it was running from the CD. I installed and all seems to go great until I reach the login screen, at this point the mouse choppiness returns and I can barely even operate the mouse.

    I can't see any reason I should be getting this poor of preformance out of this computer running kubuntu, I ran glxgears and the gears didn't seem to move much but the terminal said I was getting a steady 102+ fps.

    I allso ram a memtest and everything checked out.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks In advance,


    Re: Kubuntu Running slow on 1.2 ghz processor

    Just an update to let you guys know, I found and resolved the problem.

    As I stated I was using a usb mouse on kubuntu/ubuntu/fedora core 6/pclinuxOS and all of the above linux distros gave me laggy mouse problems.

    Turns out it was linux not liking my USB2 PCI card I had installed. I took out the card and BAM, everything worked fine, now I can get to working with this system.

    The card was am Asound A-6212-4 USB PCI card.

    I hope this helps someone else!

