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Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

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    Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

    The fawn is born!

    Herd 1, the first in the series of testing releases for Feisty Fawn, is now available. Feisty Fawn is the name of the current development version of Kubuntu and is scheduled to be released on 2007 April.

    To see what's new so far, read the release announcement page:

    NOTE: This is an alpha (pre-) release. Pre-release version of Feisty are NOT encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or for anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent, breakage. Pre-release versions of Feisty ARE recommended for Kubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.
    For those interested in testing, check this page for information on how you can help out:

    Fellow Kubuntu users, let's take this opportunity to help Kubuntu development by testing and reporting bugs. Let's participate and make this distro really ours.
    Jucato's Data Core

    Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

    Did anybody tried this release?


      Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

      Yes I'm testing it in VMWare. Running it once in a while. I might get into more extensive testing next week.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

        How stable it is? It is a bad idea to upgrade now? Maybe I would like to test it but I wonder that the first testing CD is released so soon.


          Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

          It runs. That's the only assurance that you can have. There will be lots and lots of updates for the days to come.

          Upgrade now? If you only have one system and you use that system for your everyday work, then do not upgrade. There are 4 ways in which you can run a full Feisty (or any development release)

          1. On the same unit, but on a different partition: dual/multi-booting
          2. VMWare
          3. On another unit
          4. Upgrade your main system, at your own risk. (Meaning, don't come crying, saying that upgrading to Feisty broke your system).

          Last time (Edgy), I installed it on a separate partition. This time, I'm using VMWare (too lazy to dual boot...). Take your pick.
          Jucato's Data Core


            Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

            I think I will upgrade my main system today. Thank you very much for the info.


              Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

              Cool, downloading it now and will install it to a separate partition. I'll make sure to follow the instructions in the wiki to test it out .


                Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)


                I'm testing Feisty Fawn since release of Edgy.
                In fact, I have two install of kubuntu on a laptop :
                - one stable for every day work and repair the test system
                - one unstable with the development version.

                For now, I had only one trouble which made me loose network and graphic... So for me as usual, it's not the best idea to upgrade a main system, but it's up to you. Testing is a good idea (I'm working on this system every evening at home and every day at work with the stable version)



                  Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

                  My experiences:

                  On a notebook, the upgrade performed smoothly, absolutely no problem, the stability is the same as Edgy.

                  On a desktop, the upgrade performed smothly, the only problem is the new kernel, it wont boot successfully, so I use the old Edgy kernel 2.6.17.


                    Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

                    What about creating Feisty Fawn subforum? I think it is time.


                      Re: Feisty Fawn Herd 1 Released (alpha release)

                      I would love to test but 7.04 does not install on my machine. The installer gets stuck on a multi-colored screen after the keyboard selection.

                      Strangely enough, Feisty does however run from Live CD.

                      Any ideas?

