OK, efi smarty-pants people, help me out.
How do I select an alternate kernel using EFI on a secondary install? I can't seem to be able to do that.
The setup is a triple boot machine using the heinous GRUB-EFI. Kubuntu is the primary install ("owns" GRUB) and Windows 10 and KDEneon are both in the menu.
For the Kubuntu install I have the familiar "Advanced Options for Ubuntu" line but for KDEneon - nada.
How do I select an alternate kernel using EFI on a secondary install? I can't seem to be able to do that.
The setup is a triple boot machine using the heinous GRUB-EFI. Kubuntu is the primary install ("owns" GRUB) and Windows 10 and KDEneon are both in the menu.
For the Kubuntu install I have the familiar "Advanced Options for Ubuntu" line but for KDEneon - nada.