I saw an article about lynis, which led to clamav, clamTK and two viruses.
The 211 version of lynis is in the repository. One has to update from the lynis homepage to get the latest, version 250. Lynis was written by the same group that wrote rkhunter, and the results look similar, except that lynis checks more areas and offers suggestions for improving security weaknesses it discovers.
That article led to clamav and its gui, clamTK. The latest version of both are in the repository. Here is the clamav gui:
I scanned my home account and here are the results:
I don't know if those are real infections or false positives. That is something I plan to investigate later today. However, since I no longer run Minecraft 11.02 I deleted that entire directory. The Acer shipping report pdf I also deleted.
More on this later.
The heuristic encrypted pdf is a false positive:
The java.malware.agent is a false positive.
The 211 version of lynis is in the repository. One has to update from the lynis homepage to get the latest, version 250. Lynis was written by the same group that wrote rkhunter, and the results look similar, except that lynis checks more areas and offers suggestions for improving security weaknesses it discovers.
That article led to clamav and its gui, clamTK. The latest version of both are in the repository. Here is the clamav gui:
I scanned my home account and here are the results:
I don't know if those are real infections or false positives. That is something I plan to investigate later today. However, since I no longer run Minecraft 11.02 I deleted that entire directory. The Acer shipping report pdf I also deleted.
The heuristic encrypted pdf is a false positive:
The java.malware.agent is a false positive.