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kiB, MiB? What happens up-scale?

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    [KDE] kiB, MiB? What happens up-scale?

    ...and how to change it? Migabytes? Not really ... GiB (Gigabytes) I can understand, but what about Terabytes, Petabytes and Exabytes? Are they TiB, PiB and EiB? To my sensibilities, the i stands for idiot.

    I'd dearly like to change to the SI units (Standards International IIRC): k, M, G, T, P, E ... no second letter to the 'multiplier'. How does one accomplish this (Kubi 16.06 amd64)?

    Base 10 and base2, right?
    Or am I missing the point you are making?
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      IMO it's no more confusing than being an American in a world of Metric System. Ya just have to learn both.

      As Mike points out (I think ) computers count in binary but we count in 10s. So both numbers have a purpose. One is precise and the other good for sale of hard drives...

      Please Read Me


        I stand educated! Thanks, both. I'd not encountered those terms in daily use. That second letter gets a little awkward at non-vowel Exa, but it all works.
        Last edited by Fester Bestertester; Sep 03, 2016, 01:12 PM.


          The SI people cried foul at kilo meaning 1024 "sometimes", but it was the practice of some hard drive sellers that pushed the adoption of the 2^10 prefixes; if you get a 2 terabyte drive, you get about 1000000000000 bytes, not 1099511627776. Only for RAM and cache are the old meanings used.

          Regards, John Little
          Regards, John Little


            I've seen flash drives that go either way. Must read the fine print. Not that it matters so much.
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              All academic anyway ... once partitioned and formatted with filesystem there's considerably less available for usable data than either.

