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ownCloud 8 -- looking good!

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    I'll stop here. You've answered my questions to the extent that I can understand them. Thanks to both of you. (I'm storing this page for future reference.)


      Apologizing if this is thread necromancy: I just setup Owncloud 8.2 on my 14.04 Ubuntu server. I think I have it done correctly. Here's what I've done (nutshell-ish):

      Installed owncloud.
      Installed no-ip to redirect incoming traffic to my home floating IP by using a personal domain.
      Setup owncloud to use ssl/port 443
      Fixed Apache2/Ubuntu to use /var/www not /var/www/html as www root folder.
      Forwarded 443, 80 and 8080 from router to server.
      Copy the default index.html to /var/www (so blanket addressing gets the default apache page).
      Enabled memcache and security timeouts as recommended by owncloud.

      From home network, http://server/owncloud redirects automatically to and owncloud login page appears.
      From outside home network (using phone), automatically jumps to the default iindex page.
      Android app works (log into my owncloud).


      Something I've configured no longer allows me to log into my server locally from a browser. In other words: it always redirects the connection via the internet bypassing the local connection. This is a problem because if the internet is down (like it was today) I cannot log into owncloud even though it's on the next computer and it's unnecessarily using bandwidth I have to pay for, not to mention it's slower. This must be an Apache thing, because I can still ssh, mount nfs, and use webmin from the server. What I want it to do is allow direct login without going outside my network.

      HTTP is disabled. I know this is my fault, but I don't know where to fix it. I don't really know if this is a problem or not, but I would eventually like to have a private webpage. IS there an issue if I leave it be and force all connections through ssl? I would kinda like to be able to log into the server locally (without internet as detailed above) using port 80.

      I'm sure these issues are fixable, I'm just too Apache challenged to know where to begin and my google-foo isn't helping me so far...

      EDIT: BTW, setup is server and local computers connected directly (hardwired) via switch, router sits between switch and internet and has wifi for local wifi devices.
      Last edited by oshunluvr; Dec 23, 2015, 11:27 AM.

      Please Read Me


        Just for the record/ people arriving from Google, I answered in the other thread:


          Thanks Feathers - I knew better than to double post, but starting a new thread came as an after thought...

          Please Read Me

