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Petion to Netflix to make their player Linux frendly

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    Petion to Netflix to make their player Linux frendly

    Here is a copy of an email to help get my petition on going.


    I've started the petition "Netflix: Make your computer player compatible with Linux I use Ubuntu." and need your help to get it off the ground.

    Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:

    Here's why it's important:

    Many Ubuntu Linux and other Linux users have stated that they would like to be able to play shows and movies from their computers like windows users can. I have to use my playstation 4 to play the videos but I can do everthing else on the netflix web site. I belive Playstation 4 uses a custom version of linux so this request shoud not be difficult to do.

    I thought making a petion here would have better results than asking Netflix customer support. This site seems to be making a lot of positive changes. It is a lot easier to find shows and movies on the computer than on The Playstation. I don't use Netflix on my Xbox 360 due to Microsoft requiering an expensive Gold account.

    If this petion succeeds then Netflix will get a lot easier for us Linux users to use.

    Steven Wilson
    Just to remind users and devs that Ubuntu and its flavors have a long way to go to be as usr friendly as they should be.

    I believe Netflix is moving to html5 very soon. In the meantime, you can always install pipelight.
    Last edited by Snowhog; Dec 29, 2013, 09:31 PM. Reason: Added hyperlink to Pipelight


      It doesn’t work.
      Just to remind users and devs that Ubuntu and its flavors have a long way to go to be as usr friendly as they should be.


        I found a link on that site to the Linux desktop. I installed the Linux desktop, I also discovered you need to use a user agent switcher to tell Fire Fox to report that it is Internet explorer 8 or above. Unfortunately the audio is choppy and within seconds the audio lags far behind the video.I will stick to using my PS 4 and continue the petition on . Please click on the above link and sign it. Thanks.
        Just to remind users and devs that Ubuntu and its flavors have a long way to go to be as usr friendly as they should be.

