I originally posted this in the thread about "tabs" but thought I would make it a thread for discussion,
The idea may not be feasible at all. But...
This is "kind of" what I thought would happen when one used an "activity":
I thought that one would :
a) choose or create an "activity" and it would be in a "folder", possibly and one could tag it "aardvark".
b) One would have in the "folder" some kind of "menu" which woud allow one to
i) choose one or more "applications" such as a wordprocessor and GIMP to be "in the activity".
ii) "tag" or "label" various documents with a label such as "aardvark". Tag or label various images as "aardvark".
iii) "save" a browser with one or more web pages open to "aardvark".
c) Then, when one logs in one sees the "run" box automatically open, one types in "aardvark" and the folder automagically appears on the desktop, with the documents and images already open and ready to be worked on from the last close of the folder.
d) when one closed the folder all items were automagically saved.
That, to me, is what I thougth the "activity" would do and may be, indirectly, what is being discussed in the tabs and brainstorming thread
just a thought.
PPS: here is a " typical" article about what "acitvities" "do", it is all about what the activites "could do" and there is much talk of placing widgets and a small mention of folder view. But basically the present "activity" to me is a "virtual desktop" that has various "clickable stuff" on it or widgets. This is different from what I mention above.
One would have to "open" the documents manually, individually, same for images, same for browser.
The idea may not be feasible at all. But...
This is "kind of" what I thought would happen when one used an "activity":
I thought that one would :
a) choose or create an "activity" and it would be in a "folder", possibly and one could tag it "aardvark".
b) One would have in the "folder" some kind of "menu" which woud allow one to
i) choose one or more "applications" such as a wordprocessor and GIMP to be "in the activity".
ii) "tag" or "label" various documents with a label such as "aardvark". Tag or label various images as "aardvark".
iii) "save" a browser with one or more web pages open to "aardvark".
c) Then, when one logs in one sees the "run" box automatically open, one types in "aardvark" and the folder automagically appears on the desktop, with the documents and images already open and ready to be worked on from the last close of the folder.
d) when one closed the folder all items were automagically saved.
That, to me, is what I thougth the "activity" would do and may be, indirectly, what is being discussed in the tabs and brainstorming thread
just a thought.
PPS: here is a " typical" article about what "acitvities" "do", it is all about what the activites "could do" and there is much talk of placing widgets and a small mention of folder view. But basically the present "activity" to me is a "virtual desktop" that has various "clickable stuff" on it or widgets. This is different from what I mention above.
One would have to "open" the documents manually, individually, same for images, same for browser.