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Old computer, new linux user

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    Old computer, new linux user

    First, I want to say thanks. I don't post much but I read linux forums and articles constantly. Kubuntu and I have a love-hate relationship but the counselling I've found in the forums is helping us grow stronger.

    That being said, I'm tired of reading and hope that some of you can give me a head start on gaming. I've got an 4yr old (approx) intel based computer (really no clue on details). I'm still running Dapper, but plan to upgrade this weekend.

    I installed the game Nexuiz and went to the options to change the graphics settings but it still ran too slow to be playable.

    Is a game like Nexuiz just out of reach for an old computer?
    Are there changes I can make to help (i was guessing at the options I changed in the game)?
    Are there some common libs that aren't default in Kubuntu that I should install before downloading my next game to try?
    Suggestions on FPS or RPGs for older computers?

    Again thanks, and any clues are appreciated. Extra points for ease of installation because I suck at compiling from source.

    Re: Old computer, new linux user

    Nexuiz is a good place to start, my puters old and it runs nice on mine..

    2400+ AMD with 1 Gig of ram and an FX 5200..

    I do remember there was a setting 'deluxe.. something' that made every go v slow, when i turned it off it was fast as anything though, even with other settings on at a good res.



      Re: Old computer, new linux user

      thanks, I'll look for a 'deluxe something'

      I think my problem is that my box is older than I thought
      model name      : AMD Athlon(TM) XP 1700+
      cpu MHz         : 1111.081
      MemTotal:       515920 kB

      I got that info from the termimal commands:
      cat /proc/cpuinfo
      cat /proc/meminfo


        Re: Old computer, new linux user

        The most critical thing these days is your video card, if we're talking about any modern (ie last 3 or 4 years) games..



          Re: Old computer, new linux user

          Thanks, for the sound card tip. I'm gonna have to be in the market for a new pc soon.

