I was visiting with a coupla guys today and they play "Minecraft".
Somewhat into the visiting I mentioned that I had built a "classroom" in the game "Second Life", quite a few years ago, but could not get the local colleges interested in it.
I asked the fellows if it would be possible to build a "classroom" in Minecraft, described what mine did and the general configuration, and they said that yes it could be done, and possibly quite easily.
Ok so I looked at the Minecraft site, it is a "for pay" game but has a demo version and a Linux "jar file". I'm not all that good at trying to install from source, eventhough some very nice people here have instructed me on it, I'm just kinda clueless about that stuff.
So, I hied myself to Synaptic and there is a Linux version called "minetest".
So I'm just wondering if there is anyone familiar with both or either and if we could visit about them/it, so I could try to get a handle on the two versions and whether i could really "build a room" of some kind, put some "interactive" stuff in the room that people could use to "learn something" and get a reward maybe?
Any dicussion would be GREATLY appreciated.
I was visiting with a coupla guys today and they play "Minecraft".
Somewhat into the visiting I mentioned that I had built a "classroom" in the game "Second Life", quite a few years ago, but could not get the local colleges interested in it.
I asked the fellows if it would be possible to build a "classroom" in Minecraft, described what mine did and the general configuration, and they said that yes it could be done, and possibly quite easily.
Ok so I looked at the Minecraft site, it is a "for pay" game but has a demo version and a Linux "jar file". I'm not all that good at trying to install from source, eventhough some very nice people here have instructed me on it, I'm just kinda clueless about that stuff.
So, I hied myself to Synaptic and there is a Linux version called "minetest".
So I'm just wondering if there is anyone familiar with both or either and if we could visit about them/it, so I could try to get a handle on the two versions and whether i could really "build a room" of some kind, put some "interactive" stuff in the room that people could use to "learn something" and get a reward maybe?
Any dicussion would be GREATLY appreciated.