Hi. I'm fairly new to Kubuntu (using 10.10 right now) and I need help on getting Cedega installed. Previously, I had been running Mandriva, and using the RPM from Transgaming for it. Now with Transgaming gone, I can't find the kubuntu deb package to install with.
I visited what used to be Cedega/Transgaming (GameTree or something like that now) and registered. It gave me a download section, but it just said there was no need to update Cedega right now and to use your existing installation. Except that I don't have one. What download link they did provide only gave a smallish (215k) file. Mandriva's RPMs tended to run about 5-9 megs each or so.
Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
I visited what used to be Cedega/Transgaming (GameTree or something like that now) and registered. It gave me a download section, but it just said there was no need to update Cedega right now and to use your existing installation. Except that I don't have one. What download link they did provide only gave a smallish (215k) file. Mandriva's RPMs tended to run about 5-9 megs each or so.
Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.