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Just updating this thread a little - Desura has a Linux client now (sweeeeet!) and, in addition to Indie Games available for purchase, they also have many free games (more added all the time), as well as playable demos for many others.
I recommend checking them out. It's a growing community, and a good way to support gaming on Linux. Two games you should definitely check out are Dungeons of Dredmor (Ok, it's $5 :P ) and Xonotic, a beautiful free FPS.
There's also Playdeb.net, which adds a repository to (K)ubuntu that adds more games, and in some cases newer versions, than are available through the vanilla repos.
Desura says it has a Linux client and it actually HAS a linux client.
A coupla things.
One will have download from the site. One can then play offline.
There is the obligatory EULA.
The prices of the games seemed reasonable.
There are, indeed, free games to try.
Xonotic does, indeed, seem to be very well rendered.
I tried to install the game Xonotic and it was not intuitive at first that even though one has gone back through the clickable link during registration, that one still has to "log in" through the login client, it was buried beneath other windows. When I discovered that then things went fine in terms of getting to the game and starting the download.
I would imagine that the next time that will not be required.
Xonotic on a reasonably good cable download is going to take about an hour and twenty minutes BUT, Desura DOES provide a very nice download progress bar so that is a good thing.
After Xonotic has installed and I've tried it I'll come back and report.
Actually I've followed Xonotic from day 1 from their split from NEXUIZ. They've put A LOT of work in this. By far way better than what NEXUIZ was. I play both on this machine with no issues. Though I do rebuild Xonoic from GIT quite regularly.
Well, the download went great but the play didn't until I did some fiddling.
One needs, probably, at least an Nvidia GeForce 8800 card to play it.
I normally run two gigs of ram but decided to put the Kubu drive into my game machine which only has a Gig of DDR 400 in it.
It does play well with a gig of ram and an 8800 card.
However, there is a setup screen that offers GLX, SDL and server.
I tried both with the 6600 card and no go.
I tried GLX with the 8800 card and I got sound and the game was "running somewhere" but there was no video it also muted the sound system( onboard 6 channel ).
I tried SDL and it took a while to get the game set up with the worlds etc. but then once it went, it plays VERY FAST...
It is quite good looking, has fine music, etc. etc.
It CAN be played OFFline.
However I must now also bring up NEPOMUK/STRIGI..... the game itself increases the time for Strigi to search and index by at least three times. For me that means about 45 seconds to 1 and a half minutes or so.
That would mean that, if one has a bunch of games, that strigi is going to eat a lot of cycle times to go through all the games and stuff.
That, in and of itself is not bad but the indexing can make other things laggy while it is being done.
However again, there is in the strigi desktop search setup a tab to select which files to exclude and I imagine that is what one would need to do although I am not going to do it now, if someone wants to fiddle with that and report back it would be great.
Dequire ...you brought up a fine game and what looks to be a fine game service.