Originally posted by Don B. Cilly
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I had to cram the system info into even less space, being too lazy to move the grids and Lua linengraphs, but for the moment, I quite like it :·)
[EDIT] The code is quite a bit of a juggling (offset/voffest) exercise, actually, :·) so if anyone is interested:
${font ubuntu:bold:size=8}Kernel: ${alignr}${color 607f96}${execi 6000 inxi -c 0 -Sx | awk '/System:/ {print substr($5,1,8),$6}'}${color} ${voffset -2}Distro: ${alignr}${color 607f96}${execi 6000 lsb_release -d | awk '/Description:/ {print $2,$3,$4}'}${color} ${voffset -2}${alignr}Up: ${color 607f96}${uptime}${color} ${voffset -15}KDE: ${color 607f96}${execi 6000 inxi -c 0 -Sx | awk '/Desktop:/ {print $4,$5,$6}'}${color} ${voffset -2}Load avg.: (1m) ${voffset 1}${color 607f96}${exec uptime | awk '/user/ {print $8" ",$9," "$10}'}${color} ${voffset -15}${offset 115}(5m)${offset 28}(15m) ${voffset -6}$stippled_hr${voffset 78}