Using 20.04
I'm trying to get the lamp-stack installed and configured for localhost use only so I can learn PHP. I'm going to use PhpStorm, since for me it's already paid for. I tried following Jetbrain's instructions but they don't seem to have been written with Linux in mind.
I installed apache2 and php7.4 via Muon. I have not installed mysql yet.
I have confirmed that the apache2 server is up an running at port 80.
But when I try to run a .php file the browser just displays the script as it is written in the file.
A google search turned up nothing useful to me.
Can someone please explain the correct way to get apache2, php, and mysql installed and configured for localhost development?
I'm trying to get the lamp-stack installed and configured for localhost use only so I can learn PHP. I'm going to use PhpStorm, since for me it's already paid for. I tried following Jetbrain's instructions but they don't seem to have been written with Linux in mind.
I installed apache2 and php7.4 via Muon. I have not installed mysql yet.
I have confirmed that the apache2 server is up an running at port 80.
But when I try to run a .php file the browser just displays the script as it is written in the file.
A google search turned up nothing useful to me.
Can someone please explain the correct way to get apache2, php, and mysql installed and configured for localhost development?