Back in the very early 1980s I used AceForth on a Tandy Xenix to write an autoparts hardware application for a client.
A couple weeks ago I installed gforth and began playing with it. I wrote a program that computes the number of primes from 0 to some given number.
In a Konsole running gforth I computed all the primes between 0 and 10,000,000. It took 23 seconds.
A couple weeks ago I installed gforth and began playing with it. I wrote a program that computes the number of primes from 0 to some given number.
In a Konsole running gforth I computed all the primes between 0 and 10,000,000. It took 23 seconds.
: PRIMES ( n - ) 2 SWAP 2 . 3 . 5 DO DUP DUP * i < IF 1+ THEN 1 OVER 1+ 3 DO J I MOD 0= IF 1- LEAVE THEN 2 +LOOP IF I . THEN 2 +LOOP DROP ;