I have a couple of bash scripts that are pretty much identical aside from one or two variables. Technically the script works fine
I have debugged this to the point that I can see file names are not being passed properly. For example, if a file is named test.mp4 and I want the .aac audio, the script works as designed. However, if a file is named Test 1.mp4 it will parse the part of the file name labelled "Test" and fail to parse the space, or if there are symbols in the name, it will fail to parse then. Can some one see any reason this is not passing the entire file name?
Here is the line from the .desktop file:
#!/bin/bash demux-audio() { input="${1}" #extension="${input##*.}" filename="${input%.*}" #output="${filename}" output="${input}.aac" echo "${input}" #echo "${extension}" echo "${filename}" echo "${output}.aac" if avconv -i "${input}" -acodec copy "${output}"; then kdialog --passivepopup "Converting from ${input} complete." 60 else kdialog --passivepopup "Error converting files to AAC." 60 return 1 #Change to exit 1 to stop the script on first failure fi } for file in ${@} ; do demux-audio ${file} done
Here is the line from the .desktop file:
Exec=konsole --hold --workdir %F -e demux-aac.sh %U