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Dropbox Dolphin integration

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    Dropbox Dolphin integration

    Ok, I followed the directions from these two sites:

    to try and get dropbox to integrate with dolphin. I used the dropbox forums script, and installed as per the blogspot. I put it in .kde/share/kde4/service/dropboxpublic.desktop. Here is my file:

    [Desktop Entry]
    ## This should allow you to get the dropbox Public Link for the folder files in the ~/Dropbox/Public folder. This should be installed in ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/dropboxpublic.desktop or something similar. 
    [Desktop Action CopyPublicLink]
    Name=Copy public link
    Name[de]=Public-link in die Zwischenablage kopieren
    Exec=dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.setClipboardContents string:"dropbox puburl %f"
    The comment is mine, I like comments in my files explaining to myself what they do, and where they belong.

    As per the dropbox forum, I tried the `dropbox puburl %f` and then 'dropbox puburl %f' as well as "dropboxpuburl %f" and all three give me something like this: dropbox puburl /home/user/Dropbox/Public/file instead of the public url, which should be a long string, and an actual url. I'm not real handy at this, so if anyone knows how this works I would really appreciate any ideas to get this working. Thanks.

    John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Re: Dropbox Dolphin integration

    Installing Dropbox
    [list type=decimal][*]Download dropbox: 32bit - 64bit
    Extract & move to home folder
    tar xzf dropbox-lnx*.tar.gz
    mv .dropbox-dist/ ~/.dropbox
    Launch dropbox
    Install Dropbox ServiceMenu

    [img width=400 height=303][/img]

    ASROCK Z87 Pro4 - i5 4670K - R9 270x ☞ Triple Boot: KDE NEON ★ Windows 10 ★ Windows 7


      Re: Dropbox Dolphin integration

      This works well too...

      Please Read Me


        Re: Dropbox Dolphin integration

        Not to sound dense but is this like an e-mail To function or more on the lines like M$'s Briefcase?


          Re: Dropbox Dolphin integration

          Originally posted by ubuntuku
          Installing Dropbox
          [list type=decimal][*]Download dropbox: 32bit - 64bit
          Extract & move to home folder
          tar xzf dropbox-lnx*.tar.gz
          mv .dropbox-dist/ ~/.dropbox
          Launch dropbox
          Install Dropbox ServiceMenu

          [img width=400 height=303][/img]

          Ok, I did the first part, already. Then I tried to install the dropbox stuff through dolphin. I went to Settings -> Configure Dolphin -> Services -> Download New Services and then searched for dropbox, and clicked install, I then hit apply, and closed dolphin, and re-opened it, only to find that didn't work. Did I miss something? Thank you for that link, I didn't think to go looking there for that. I installed it that way, and that worked like a charm! Much appreciated.

          @oshunluvr I did see that, but I'm leery of installing debs from outside of repos, at least the above method I can understand everything it is doing, and how to undo it.

          @moonrise - it is probably like Briefcase, except, it is online, put the file in that folder, the computer uploads it to a server, then you can access your account from any internet connection. If you have more than one computer, and dropbox installed on both computers it automatically syncs those folders, so do work on desktop, and it gets uploaded, then away on a trip with the laptop, that document gets downloaded to the laptop. Very handy.

          John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


            Re: Dropbox Dolphin integration



              Re: Dropbox Dolphin integration

              Shane, you can also uninstall a package - but I hear yah. I have used this with four installs of kubuntu 10.04, 10.10, and 11.04 without problems.

              I like the panel icons showing status a lot.

              Please Read Me


                Re: Dropbox Dolphin integration

                Originally posted by oshunluvr
                Shane, you can also uninstall a package - but I hear yah. I have used this with four installs of kubuntu 10.04, 10.10, and 11.04 without problems.

                I like the panel icons showing status a lot.
                Actually that does make me feel better having a recommendation like that! With my current dropbox installation as stated on of those posts up there, I do have the panel notification. I'm with you there, that if I didn't have that I would be looking further. I may have to give it a try with that kind of recommendation. Thanks!

                John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

