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Get Amarok "actions" for Clementine [KDE4]

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    Get Amarok "actions" for Clementine [KDE4]

    I am wondering how to set the KDE4 actions I have installed with Amarok (by default) and put them to Clementine instead. I want to use Clementine as my default player.

    Amarok has these actions (in Dolphin) for audio files such as "Append to playlist" and "Append & Play".

    I would wish to set them for Clementine also.

    I have found the solution.

    Amarok creates the file:


    Copying it to clementine_append.desktop and changing the names and labels and the action execs, we now have the same for Clementine, but Clementine has different command line options. Moreoever, you cannot combine command line 'commands' for Clementine. Clementine will just execute the first command it sees.

    So What I am Left with is:

    [Desktop Entry]
    [Desktop Action appendToPlaylist]
    Name=Append to Playlist
    Exec=clementine -a "%U"
    [Desktop Action loadInPlaylist]
    Name=Replace Playlist
    Exec=clementine -l "%U"
    Actually, I won't even use the second action. I either want to append, or replace and play immediately. But the default Open With action for Clementine is to append. Anything you open gets appended. That is weird, the default action for most players is to load and immediately start playing. So it is kinda useless like this: Clementine doesn't even have a "load and play immediately" action. But at least now I have the option to replace what I have, perhaps I'll even use it.
    Last edited by xennex81; May 26, 2015, 09:02 AM.

    More of the...

    More of the KDE service/context menus:

    KF5 service menu paths:

    More of the Desktop files:

    More of the options for the exec key can be found by executing the the wanted application in the terminal. As example the 'Kaffeine' will tell:
    :~$ kaffeine --help
    Usage: kaffeine [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [KDE-tempfile-options] [options] [file] 
    A media player for KDE with digital TV support.
    Generic options:
      --help                    Show help about options
      --help-qt                 Show Qt specific options
      --help-kde                Show KDE specific options
      --help-kde-tempfile       Show KDE-tempfile specific options
      --help-all                Show all options
      --author                  Show author information
      -v, --version             Show version information
      --license                 Show license information
      --                        End of options
      -f, --fullscreen          Start in full screen mode
      --audiocd                 Play Audio CD
      --videocd                 Play Video CD
      --dvd                     Play DVD
      --tv <channel>            (deprecated option)
      --channel <name / number> Play TV channel
      --lastchannel             Play last tuned TV channel
      --dumpdvb                 Dump dvb data (debug option)
      file                      Files or URLs to play
    Last edited by Wheel Inventor; May 26, 2015, 08:46 AM.


      Thank you. That should help everyone in configuring or customizing their bindings.

      I think I'll read more of those KDE help files, they seem rather nice. But I'm not comfortable enough yet.

      ((I keep adding nice things to my KDE 4 / Kubuntu 14.10 system now) that will be discardable in a few months (or perhaps a bit longer)).

