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    EDIT NO. 2: Well, since 78 people have looked at the thread and only five people voted and four voted that the wally suggested "Kubuntu go away." and only 1 voted that it did not; that would mean, to me, that 73 people didn't care one way or the other.

    So, to that end, I will remove the wally.

    However, I would make one comment about the "hands up", that kind of thing is done a lot on "rock music" album covers and advertising, and it does not mean, to that audience, "go away" it is part of the symbology of "moving hands" around however, the Linux audience is not that audience so I can understand the way that it came across.

    But, that is ok, this is all a learning experience for me I just did it as a gift to the community, no offence taken about it, none at all, like I said, a learning experience.

    EDIT: Please vote in the above poll.

    Ummmm the Kubuntu text the one that ummmm SOMEbody here at the forum provided for usn's to use!

    Comments appreciated!

    Wally removed by woodsmoke at nobody's request, my decision totally.

    If a mod wishes to remove the thread please do so.


    Re: Kubuntublue01

    Ummmm - seems to me that somebody is saying 'Noooo to Kubuntu' OR 'Take it away'.

    As for me I got fed up with continuing problems with 'Nutty' and I've switched to Linux Mint with Kubuntu 10.04 as the second OS.

    This is no reflection on the community which is SUPER in my view!
    Celeron CPU G1610@2.60GHz x 2
    GeForce 8400 GS/PCle/SSE2
    Kubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit Linux - KDE 4.13.0


      Re: Kubuntublue01


      well, i didn't look at it like that....

      if most folks agree with your thoughts then I'll remove it because that is not the intention...hmmm

      I'll add a poll so folks can express their views anonymously.

      Thanks very much for the comment!



        Re: Kubuntublue01


        I hope I didn't come across as negative - I like the image overall but the hands just need to be in a different position.

        Maybe slightly to one side in a 'prayerish' manner or whatever. It was the palms out that sent me the message/s that I've posted previously.
        Celeron CPU G1610@2.60GHz x 2
        GeForce 8400 GS/PCle/SSE2
        Kubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit Linux - KDE 4.13.0


          Re: Kubuntublue01

          I don't understand the poll to be honest.........


            Re: Kubuntublue01

            Originally posted by claydoh
            I don't understand the poll to be honest.........
            With the original wallpaper deleted, you are correct - the poll doesn't make sense.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Kubuntublue01

              I agree, but I can see leadwt's point of view.

              The situation is that the person was a former student who came back to visit with her former teachers and she is in the process of becoming a photo model and was showing us some of her pictures.

              I asked if I could have one that she considered to be a "throw away" and also one that wouldn't be something she would have a financial problem with if she "took off".

              Young people are all into that "hand waving" in videos, on album covers etc. and she had a picture that was one that I thought I could make work, and that she didn't mind "losing" on the net as it were.

              The general idea was to make something that would be an attention getter for a younger audience....

              Kinda like Hannah Montana Linux, yes there really is such a thing! lol

              Here is a typical example:

              Which, actually, points up a larger situation in "Linux art" and that is of not having access to "human models" for wallpapers because of commercial restrictions.

              She is starting her career and didn't mind helping somebody that helped her, and Linux folks almost never have that kind of thing avaialble sitting at their home computers trying to do something "different" for their favourite distro....

              Unless, of course, the person happens also to be a professional and has access to commercial artwork and is in a position to freely give it away to a distro.

              And since almost all "Linux art" is "branding" type stuff, using the distros logo, etc, I just thought I'd try something different.

              If a mod wants to delete this thread please feel free to do so.

              Lotsa fun!!



                Re: Kubuntublue01

                I was the first to vote 'no' to your poll.

                Art, no matter what form or style it takes, will always be subjective.

                For that reason, I think you should have left the picture available and let those enjoy it that would like to and let others pass on it that don't.

                Keep up the good work either way


                  Re: Kubuntublue01

                  Well ok a compromise then! I'm all about compromise!

                  A linky




                    Re: Kubuntublue01

                    I voted NO as well as to me it seemed to be pushing Kubuntu out towards you. Again that was my perspective and I agree with Slush -->
                    Art, no matter what form or style it takes, will always be subjective.
                    Art, beauty or what have you is always in the eye of the beholder.


                      Re: Kubuntublue01

                      thank you moonrise, although I'm glad you include the "art" don't know that it is "beauty"!

                      just trying to help a little.



                        Re: Kubuntublue01


