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11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

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    Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

    No offence taken. To each his own. Art is in the eye of the beholder. I asked and you responded. I listened (or read in this case ) and may or may not "derive" something else. Art, the beauty of! That's why I love it!



      Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

      Originally posted by MoonRise


        Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

        lightscribing the label now .............will be back with picks ........IF it turns out

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

          it works really works (the lightscribe) and dosent look bad.......however it is gray scale (no color) ......doing the 10.04 label now as well ........will post the picks when done.

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview


              Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

              Originally posted by MoonRise
              grin it up that is good work

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                OK hear you go..........these were made on Kubuntu 10.04 on this box using the linux lightscribe software as described in 1 of my post's above.

                [img width=400 height=300][/img]


                [img width=400 height=300][/img]

                I think thay look great considering lightscribe only dose gray scale 8)

                you could sell that.....or give it away with a Kubuntu computer no prob

                nice work @MoonRise 2 thumbs up


                PS: I will test any labels anyone post's and asks for a test.
                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                  Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                  Ohhhhh! I have to use some strong words here!!

                  That so F$*&# awesome! Thanks Vinny, you really made my day!! Those look so great!


                    Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                    I thought so as well

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                      Originally posted by vinnywright
                      OK hear you go..........these were made on Kubuntu 10.04 on this box using the linux lightscribe software as described in 1 of my post's above.

                      [img width=400 height=300][/img]


                      [img width=400 height=300][/img]

                      I think thay look great considering lightscribe only dose gray scale 8)

                      you could sell that.....or give it away with a Kubuntu computer no prob

                      nice work @MoonRise 2 thumbs up


                      PS: I will test any labels anyone post's and asks for a test.
                      fantastic! Scic!


                        Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                        @moonrise: thanks for making the white one..
                        though you were right at first time.. black one looks much better.. will get it printed once the final release comes out
                        asus A52N
                        Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
                        AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
                        windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


                          Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                          If you all can hold out a little. I'll post a higher res. one on KDE-Look. I tend to wait until a month before release of the final ISO. I think it would come out a lot better. The one I posted here is kind of reduce quality wise so I can actually post it here.


                            Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                            Originally posted by vinnywright
                            surprise surprise son just brought me an old emachine W3118 .....from the trash ........and it has a HP lightscribe DVD drive in it

                            I got 512-RAM in it and a new K-10.04 install + the lightscribe .deb's as told hear and it looks like it may soon as I get some disks for it I will post a photo of the results.

                            @ MoonRise ....I know you have ben wandering to

                            Hey Vinny! Did you install this on a 64bit system? Had any problems from it? Just got a LightScribe and really want to try it out. I wonder if the Buntu's will ever get this or something similar by default?


                              Re: 11.04 CD/DVD Label Preview

                              It is a 64-bit CPU ....but no I insalled a32-bit sys.

                              As far as the software ..... it works just fine except every 3-4th disk dosent want to read and show up in the lightscribe righting program ......but that could have been the disks I guess as some of them would read after multiple attempts ......... sorry I don't remember the brand and I am away from home.

                              allthough on a 32-bit sys it was run on 10.04, 10.10 & 11.04 on 2 different box's and 3 different installs and works as displayed


                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

