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Please wrap the google search tool!

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    Please wrap the google search tool!

    Currently, with the google text ad banner right next to the google search tool, I have to have my browser nearly maximized (@1280x800) or else the horizontal scollbar appears and the forums are a lot more frustrating to browse through.

    Is there some way you can break the two up? Maybe place one under the other? I'd rather not have my browser window take up the entire screen.

    Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

    I understand your complaint, I will try to make it better. I use dual display with both 1600 x 1200 so I will test the site at lower resolutions to try and meet everyone's needs. I assume no one uses below 1024x768? Speak now or forever be silent.


      Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

      Ok, does this work for everyone? I just moved the search box under the ads. Please understand that the ads are there purely to help pay for the server costs. I am hosting this site on a friends dedicated server that he rents so I have to pay him some money for the service.


        Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

        This is much, much better. Thank you.


          Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

          Alot better, thanks


            Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

            By the way does anyone like the google search bar, or does it just get in the way. I thought it would make searching the web faster and easier, but I can remove it. Let me know what you all think.


              Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

              It's not bothering me, but usually I'm using the Google textbox in the browser (konqueror or firefox)
              Anyway, thanks a lot for moving the two bars, I had to scroll to look all page I'm using laptop which is not able to go over 1024 * 768.. Sorry


                Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

                By the way does anyone like the google search bar, or does it just get in the way.
                I don't really like it. It seems unncessary with gg: and the google search box on everyones browser.


                  Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

                  I also don't like it I always put my search string in google box by mistake. If you really want to have it, make it so it search the forum not the google database. As all stated, most linux browser has a google search bar, so no need of puting it in my opinion.
                  -=|From the desk of|=-
                  «•´`•.(*•.¸(`•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•*).•´`•»
                  «•´`•.(¸.•´(¸.•* *•.¸)`•.¸).•´`•»
                  Reg. Linux User # 400637


                    Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

                    Yeah same here. I don't like that google bar either. It's always on my way when searching something in forums. I'm new  to these forums and at first I typed search text to that google bar

                    It would be great if searching in forums would be easier/faster. Like search input text field would be always available on the page. Like many other forums.

                    Also I'm using 1024x768 so that google ad box takes too much space. I really don't like to use my browser at fullscreen.

                    Forum should scale for lower resolutions as well (think small laptops..). Maybe minimum of 800x600. Using autoscaling maybe (CSS, JavaScript) ?!


                      Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

                      Maybe take out the google search bar and add a forum search field for those too lazy or do not notice the search at the top of the page.

                      Also for the ads, I would propose instead of the leaderboards, two rows of banner (468x60_as) ads in the sponsered links section. Or you could put a cute little link unit after every post (or every 5 posts), because those aren't nearly as distracting as the google ads, and their only 15px high.

                      Oh btw, to see what link units look like:
                      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                        Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

                        the google bar is a good feature but like it was mentiond above, most people have search bars directly in there browser so maybe it is a uneeded service.
                        it saying that though i have not had a problem with it..


                          Re: Please wrap the google search tool!

                          Well the search bar has been removed, and I shrunk the ads to put links in the box to important websites. Let me know if there is a site that should be added. Thanks.

