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Kudos Type System

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    Re: Kudos Type System

    From my point of view, the system is not yet working properly - assumedly by reason that a lot of people not yet know what it is all about (read: how to handle it) ... therefore: don't panic nor jump into action - just give people time (and, maybe, a "sticky" primer post) to get used to what I would call an inherently good idea.

    By the way: I take it as very interesting that the one (and only) forum member actually getting excited over this, from my point of view qualifies as one of those "friendly people" talking (read: posting) a lot without actually saying (read: helping) that much - which shows that a huge post count in itself does not say anything ... and this is why a form of "corrective" is needed, simply to "relativize" or "evaluate" the poster's talkativeness.


      Re: Kudos Type System

      I'm hardly excited about it, but I see your point, assuming you are referring to me as the talkative-but-not-that-helpful forum member. I try to help as much as I can, but I would never consider myself an expert. As such, I may try and help out, and then realise that the problem is more complex than I am capable of solving, and drop out of discussion. This is definitely where the Kudos system comes into its own. It shows that although I'm trying to help, the probability of me actually solving the problem isn't great. Therefore, if you (for example) offer help in the same topic as myself, I would follow your advice first, as you have the higher Kudos rating.


      NB: I'm fairly thick-skinned, so I've taken what you've said as constructive criticism, however, were I slightly more sensitive, I might have taken offence. I'd try and word things better in the future, in order to avoid causing offence. Just a little aside, I'm sure no harm was intended. EDIT: also, something that's noteworthy is that in regards to your post/kudos ratio, you're actually doing less than half as well as I am ;o)


        Re: Kudos Type System

        Originally posted by Open Source
        However, for the time being, the question is, do I leave the system enabled or disable it until I fix it?
        I don't think it needs to be disabled, I just mentioned *possible* problems...I haven't seen anything yet that suggests it should be disabled.


          Re: Kudos Type System

          Originally posted by D1SxEyes
          I'm hardly excited about it, but I see your point, assuming you are referring to me as the talkative-but-not-that-helpful forum member.
          NO, for penguin's sake, NO !!! You actually were the one I owe the insight to that in terms of "usenet activity" quantity does by no means equal quality. (Due to your original annotations, I even started to label factual guesswork as such, to make is easier for readers to decide how to handle my suggestions ...)

          Originally posted by D1SxEyes
          I've taken what you've said as constructive criticism, however, were I slightly more sensitive, I might have taken offence.
          In terms of human relations, I am an ignorant bastard. Period. - You, however, were not even the intended addressee ...

          Originally posted by D1SxEyes
          EDIT: also, something that's noteworthy is that in regards to your post/kudos ratio, you're actually doing less than half as well as I am ;o)
          As I said: I doubt the system is working already


            Re: Kudos Type System

            As an ignorant and maybe naiive I would like to ask a simple question:
            What is a forum like this for?
            To answer in my very subjective fashion. For me it is to learn (thus many posts at first) then help (resulting in more posts) as far as the aquired knowledge (from the first posts) allow. If in the process we all learn a bit from each other all the better. I don't take it personaly if someone (smites) takes away a kudo or three, as long as I know why, so I can learn and maybe correct a mistake. Reading some of this I almost feel sorry for asking my first question at all.

            I think the system has merit (thanks D1SxEyes), I was just pointing out a small and possible enhancement.

            @opensource: my offer stiil stands, as far as my time alows.

            Cheers all
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Kudos Type System

              Fintan, I appreciate the offer. Sometime when you are not busy, send me a message on Yahoo IM, and we can discuss this feature. Thanks.


                Re: Kudos Type System

                Sounds good, but I am not on yahoo anymore, I recieved to many strange spams and have no time for that. It you want we can talk on skype (fintanusa) over the weekend, that is when I usually have time. Since I am 7hrs ahead you'll have to give me a timeframe which is good for you.

                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Kudos Type System

                  Ok sounds good. As we approach this weekend, I will be able to have a better time frame for a meeting sometime on Saturday. We can talk more later.


                    Re: Kudos Type System

                    Originally posted by UnicornRider
                    Originally posted by D1SxEyes
                    I'm hardly excited about it, but I see your point, assuming you are referring to me as the talkative-but-not-that-helpful forum member.
                    NO, for penguin's sake, NO !!! You actually were the one I owe the insight to that in terms of "usenet activity" quantity does by no means equal quality. (Due to your original annotations, I even started to label factual guesswork as such, to make is easier for readers to decide how to handle my suggestions ...)

                    Originally posted by D1SxEyes
                    I've taken what you've said as constructive criticism, however, were I slightly more sensitive, I might have taken offence.
                    In terms of human relations, I am an ignorant bastard. Period. - You, however, were not even the intended addressee ...

                    Originally posted by D1SxEyes
                    EDIT: also, something that's noteworthy is that in regards to your post/kudos ratio, you're actually doing less than half as well as I am ;o)
                    As I said: I doubt the system is working already
                    Hehe, as I said, I'm fairly thick skinned, so don't worry about it either way. Glad to hear I've helped the infamous (or, UnicornRider) in some small way. And yes, we both know you deserve a better post/kudos ratio than I do, so no, I don't think the system is working. As for the ignorant bastard comment.... maybe ;o)



                      Re: Kudos Type System

                      Originally posted by D1SxEyes
                      the infamous penguin
                      Cool - yet another entry to the list of nicknames I'm bearing 8)


                        Re: Kudos Type System

                        should anybody be interested...

                        i got on this forum about a month ago.
                        i effectively solved 5 or 6 problems (honest).
                        then i told a guy (that complained he could not boot into kubuntu after installing windows vista) to try and get help from
                        i made the url up on the spot and posted it with a grin.
                        the url actually resolves to some microsoft page, but is far from being a helping resource (...of course).
                        the guy couldn't take the joke and i got my kudos to -1.
                        i guess i'm proud of my -1.

                        on the other hand, i posted 2 issues i have with my kubuntu.
                        with the first one i got no replies (who do i take kudos from in this case?)
                        i then posted the solution to the problem after about a month (who gives me credit for this?)

                        i don't feel this kudos thing works that well, though i understand (and i agree) trying to reward those that help is a good thing and a good idea...

                        just my opinion.

                        i think i'll register another user so as to keep my kudos to -1, just in case it should go up...
                        gnu/linux is not windoze


                          Re: Kudos Type System

                          Hey Jan, someone must have given you one kudo, because it says you are now up to 0 (zero)!

                          When I installed (or attempted to install) Kubuntu last November, it was my first ever attempt with Linux. Of course (life being what it is ....) I had an ATI video card in that PC, and a great "character-building experience" followed. Fortunately, I started with a healthy attitude (low expectations for myself), and took the problems one at a time.

                          But, this forum was the salvation -- between the posted answers, and the wiki links, I was able to survive the frustrating experience and build a really nice system.

                          Primary credit goes to the "infamous" Unicorn-riding guy !

                          THANKS FOLKS -- kudos to all who are willing to try!


                            Re: Kudos Type System

                            Originally posted by dibl
                            Primary credit goes to the "infamous" Unicorn-riding guy!
                            Hey, think positive: I'll be out of play soon enough ("bankrupt" is the magic word ...), and then it may even be your turn to torture those newbies :P


                              Re: Kudos Type System

                              Originally posted by UnicornRider
                              I'll be out of play soon enough ("bankrupt" is the magic word ...)
                              Been there, done that (well...OK, not in Switzerland!), got the tee-shirt. "That which does not kill me ...."

                              You can't escape your fate so easily, Mr. Birdy!


                                Re: Kudos Type System

                                Originally posted by dibl
                                You can't escape your fate so easily, Mr. Birdy!
                                Oh, oh ...

