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How about a forum about TEACHING CLI by running primitive old Linux Ubuntu apps

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    How about a forum about TEACHING CLI by running primitive old Linux Ubuntu apps

    I know there would be a LOT of problems merely because KDE "has moved on".

    and example is that of gKrellM, ... it is there, but it won't run.

    But that is just a thing that i, particularly like.

    there is also...

    MPD... the music player daemon

    there is also

    XMMS which won't run at all but there is XMMS2...

    also...maybe... conky...

    the big idea here is that...

    Many forums have such, but Kubuntu also has... a LOT of people who have a LOT of Knowledge about "old / primitive" apps which kind of met the original LINUX IDEA... of "one need one app".

    they generally required some small knowledge of "using a terminal"

    HOW ABOUT... we make a forum in which "noobs" can feel COMFORTABLE learning... a VERY SMALL AMOUNT of that "CLI" stuff by using a "primitive" app to show:

    if you type this in terminal: ... yada yada

    this will happen on the screen: voila!

    just a thought...

    before we all...die... lol


    I'm all for teaching and helping people learn, but learning commands for out-of-date programs will do little I feel. A far more useful thing to learn would be the core Linux terminal programs that can be immensely helpful no matter what other apps users use. I'm thinking of things like find, grep, sort, nano, less, aux etc. These will take people a lot farther than learning commands for some un-maintained app that nobody uses anymore.


      How about a forum about TEACHING CLI by running primitive old Linux Ubuntu apps

      The older I get the more I depend on gui apps instead of the CLI, except for vdir, locate, updatedb, |, apt, dmesg, ls, systemctl, lspci, lshw, ifconfig, iwconfig, route, netstat, update-grub, grub-update, sudo, and all of the couple dozen Btrfs CLI commands. I may have forgotten a few.

      GUI’s are easy to use but suffer from two problems:
      1) They rarely include all the switches & parameters the CLI command they front for, and
      2) They are much slower than those CLI commands because they usually update the GUI with progress information, and if the GUI isn’t using threads that slows the CLI command execution as the GUI polls it for status information.

      I can use Dolphin to copy or move files or directories in my home account but I find it faster to open a Konsole and use mc. And for moving root files and directories it is almost mandatory to use mc because of blocks placed against opening Dolphin as root using kdesudo.

      Even so, for all file and directory work, including interacting with files, Dolphin is my GUI of choice.
      Last edited by GreyGeek; May 17, 2018, 08:22 AM.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        well bad idea.
        but thought I'd run it up the flagpole.
        mods can remove the thread.
        thanks guys!


          Someone could start a thread, with an appropriate title (about learning to use CLI), with the idea that anyone can contribute, in this sense: Anyone can post a "flash CLI lesson" whenever they feel like it and as many times they wish over the course of time. A lesson-post should be good; that is, it should be well done with a tutorial focus in mind, maybe not too long, just to the point, with some concrete example(s). If it is an advanced post, perhaps the poster should say so; but we hope there would be plenty of beginner-intermediate lesson-posts.

          At one time, I intended to move in that direction, and I did post a 3-part Konsole "tutorial":
          Commands at Konsole: Beginners

          Part 3 does get into some intermediate topics. I'm not any "command" expert (I left that behind in 1973 or so), but just wanted to help people get started, maybe overcome their hesitancy to write a command and press Enter.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            see...I keep saying...but nobody LISTENS...

            You folks are so much smarter than the old woodsmoker!



              How about a forum about TEACHING CLI by running primitive old Linux Ubuntu apps

              The various responses to questions in this forum are sprinkled with examples of awesome uses of the CLI, and in the context for which they are used.

              Another good learning tool are man pages. A listing of the files in /bin and */bin is a good starting point. For each file in the list do “man whatever” and read to your hearts content. At the bottom of most man page listings are sets of examples. Very informative. The output of one command can be supplied to a second command using a pipe “|”, and that output can be fed, if needed, into yet another command using a second pipe. The variations are endless and open to lots of creativity.

              For example: the classic fork bomb
              ) { :|: & }; :

              This is a fork bomb. This piece of code will crash your computer in about 2 seconds. It will render it inoperable and the only way to get it back, is to reboot. Experienced sysadmins might have a better way, but a reboot is the safest choice.

              How does this code work?

              ) This is the definition of a function called :

              { Start of the body of the function

              :|: & Call the same function recursively TWICE

              } End of the body is the function

              There are other fork bombs, and other commands which are malicious, such as one which deletes /. But, you have to have root privileges to run it.

              Most CLI commands are simple:
              sudo updatedb
              to update the database which the locate command uses.
              locate /bin/fi
              locates all files in */bin that begin with “fi”.
              Last edited by GreyGeek; May 20, 2018, 09:18 AM.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Kinda surprised at the number of replies...

                AND THEY ARE GREAT replies...

                but kinda miss "my" point.

                It is just old woodsmoker's opinion but I have fixed a LOT of windblows computers "back in the day"... and the "problem" was almost ALWAYS some kind of "play thing" that was added to the browser or some kind of "game" that was downloaded "for free".

                The point being that a LOT of people "in the windblows world"... just kinda "play around" on their computer, they do e-mail, the do F@#$book, etc. and play games.. and watch videos and play music.

                To THOSE folks... all the things suggested by the esteemed, an learned, co-denizens of this forum are just so much..."scary Linux stuff".

                "most" of the interaction with things like the old XMMS are NOT --- REALLY..."cli" stuff, they are "finding a folder in usr/bin and changing a line here or there, learning to deal with a .hidden file and that kind of stuff...

                and what is the reward for the? they get to listen to music, maybe change a GUI, like gKrellm... etc.

                In other words it is kind of like the very first thing that "some" of us did when we learned BASIC...

                we learned how to "scroll our name" down the screen or learned how to "bounce a ball"... VISUAL STUFF... and an immediate reward...

                was it "useful"?

                Ummm no... bouncing a ball? scrolling our name? no...
                but the bouncing ball lead to ... the Amiga's "Boing ball" which, to a greater or lesser extent, really was a game hanger. Now, yes it was hardware dependent but it was SO impressive that the software vendors for other platforms had to up their game...VISUAL...

                So...anyway... my sainted grandpaw told me when we went fishing to "think like a fish"... in this case, I am suggesting "think like a windblows user that plays around with stuff and needs an immedate and "relatively' impressive reward...

                woodjustsayin'butHEY THANKS FOR THE REPLIESsmoke
                Last edited by woodsmoke; May 27, 2018, 06:16 PM.

