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Unnecessary annoyances

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    Unnecessary annoyances

    Make the signup page easier, lose the limits for attempts for registration and logins, I was typing up a post and the site logged me out. We aren't signing up for healthcare here, it's a help forum. It should be easy. By the time people are driven to come here they are already frustrated, don't make them more pissed off just trying to use the site!

    I understand your frustration, but these sorts of things are necessary for a forum unfortunately.

    Originally posted by JoeDesertrat View Post
    Make the signup page easier,
    Im not exactly sure what youre referring to, but singup pages that are too simple attract spammers. A forum littered with fake posts advertising designer handbags and illegal download sites is far worse than a complicated signup forum.

    lose the limits for attempts for registration and logins
    This is extremely important. If there are no limits for login attempts, automated password crackers could be used to hack your account or an admin's account. You may not think this is a big deal, but a lot of people use the same user name and password across multiple forums, email accounts, bank accounts, social media accounts etc.
    Last edited by whatthefunk; Nov 19, 2013, 05:35 PM.


      Originally posted by JoeDesertrat View Post
      Make the signup page easier, lose the limits for attempts for registration and logins, I was typing up a post and the site logged me out. We aren't signing up for healthcare here, it's a help forum. It should be easy. By the time people are driven to come here they are already frustrated, don't make them more pissed off just trying to use the site!
      Actually, it's not a "help" forum, it's a community forum. The term "Help Forum" to me connotates some sort of guaranteed service. No one here is paid, therefore no guarantees. In fact, many of us contribute financially to keep the forum operating.

      Our mods in agreement with the majority of our community determine what constitutes acceptable deterrents to enhance security and this includes what you outlined and not being able to post links or pics for the first couple of posts. The way to institute a change to any of these settings would be to become a member of the community first, then making your case for a change and getting majority support, including convincing the mods and the board sponsor that these security measures aren't warranted. Admittedly, this is an unlikely thing to happen because those of us that have been members here for years are happy that we don't get spammed all the time or have to wade through dozens of junk posts.

      Giving orders or making demands within your first couple of posts isn't going to get you anywhere nor will it engender any desire to offer you any assistance. If you're frustrated and pissed off by just creating a log in, maybe this isn't the forum for you.

      Please Read Me


        I can attest to the value of tight registration requirements and security measures. On a forum I administer we went from 60 spam registration per month to an average of 5 after implementing similar security measures you have complained about. And none of us want spammers on our forums.
        Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
        Always consider Occam's Razor


          Joe, I just wanted to chime in and say that previously we had major issues with spammers. It was so bad that at times there were inappropriate images plastered in some of the spammers' posts. Every security enhancement that we have added has succeeded in reducing spammer content further and further.

          I understand the frustration in registering, especially when all you want to do is post a question you have probably been dealing with on your own for a while and have only just now decided to ask for help. Been there, done that. With that said, we are going to have to maintain the security the way it is, but I can recommend using a text editor outside of your web browser when creating longer posts if timeouts are an issue.

          I will say, that I have mine set to keep me logged in and I never have that issue. On top of that the "auto-save" feature seems to work well within the forum software. Maybe your web browser is having an issue keeping you logged in?



            We deposit a cookie that holds your session open for 15 minutes. Each time you interact with the site, the timer on the cookie resets. If it takes you longer than 15 minutes to type a post and your session expires, then:

            * if you have told the forum to "remember me" upon login, we will give you a new cookie and restore your post content as soon as you do anything on a page
            * if you have not chosen "remember me," we have no way of returning you to your previous session


              Hi SR
              i gently beg to differ I made my previous post on a Android phone and it took longer than 15 minutes I was kicked off I re logged in and the original post was still there.


                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                Hi SR
                i gently beg to differ I made my previous post on a Android phone and it took longer than 15 minutes I was kicked off I re logged in and the original post was still there.
                Do Androids save cookies?
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                  Do Androids save cookies?
                  I hear they trade them for electric sheep.
                  Last edited by whatthefunk; Nov 24, 2013, 06:49 PM.


                    Last edited by Snowhog; Nov 24, 2013, 09:30 PM.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
                      I hear they trade them for electric sheep.

                      I had my sessions expire a few times and figured it was 15 minutes. It really doesn't bother me.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

