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Being able to Ignore Threads would be a huge timesaver.

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    Being able to Ignore Threads would be a huge timesaver.

    KFN gets dozens of posts a day, and I can't read them all. I go to "What's new", click "new posts", and get 4 pages of threads that have new posts. I work through them, deciding which to read, and reading them. (The little "Go top first new post" button is a great help.) Then, all going well, I click "Mark forums read". Then the next day, I get another four pages of posts and have to make again the decisions of which to read. It can be very tedious.

    What I'd like is to make the decision once for each thread, and have KFN remember it, like a usenet news reader (such as knode) can. (What would be really cool is for KFN to support NNTP...)

    There is a vbulletin 4.x add-on that does this:

    Or maybe someone can suggest a less tedious workflow.

    Regards, John Little
    Regards, John Little

    Hi Jlittle.

    Don't know that we have "exchanged phosphors" before but anyway, glad to interact with ya!

    AND....I notice that as of the time that I am making this post...

    You are a CENTENARIAN!! 100 posts.


    I do the "activity stream" thing, button when one first goes to the forum or the opening page...

    It gives the ability to scan the threads very quickly.

    Since I am not a "coding" type person, I can then stop at an application or hardware thered.

    It does not solve your problem of wanting to just see "certain" threads, but it works relatively well for me.


    I just this last few weeks did the "RSS" feed thing on my Android phone and sitting in a coffee shop I can quickly scan the last posts since I marked them all read.

    And, RSS feed seems, for me at least, to provide the "easiest" and "most complete" interface for that.

    Anyhow, doesn't answer your particular request, but kinda works for me.



      There are add-ons to ignore threads, it's true - but from seeing them set up at another board it took quite a bit of work (but was then fine).

      An alternate approach is to subscribe to threads you find interesting - updates to threads you've subscribed to are listed on your "Settings" or user control panel at
      That way you can quickly follow threads you're interested in, and when you have more time, look at all new threads and read / subscribe to the ones that seem interesting.
      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


        Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
        I do the "activity stream" thing, button when one first goes to the forum or the opening page...I can then stop at an application or hardware thread.
        I'll give that try, but AFAICT one is still repeating the decision whether to look at a thread every time there's a post to it.
        AS A SIDE NOTE:I just this last few weeks did the "RSS" feed thing on my Android phone and sitting in a coffee shop I can quickly scan the last posts since I marked them all read.
        I'd thought of that, and had a look around the site for anything mentioning RSS, and tried RSS in the search box. Trying harder, there is a mention of RSS in the FAQ, which says
        Most modern browsers have facilities for reading RSS feeds and will automatically detect the availability of feeds on bulletin board pages.
        Well, my firefox hasn't detected anything. I pointed akregator at and it didn't work. How do I use RSS with KFN?

        I use Tapatalk on my phone for kfn, and it's pretty good, except when I touch the back ... key? button? place? too often or inadvertentently. Tapatalk then assumes I decided not to see the remainder of the Unread posts, so doesn't show me them as Unread again.

        What API does tapatalk use to talk to KFN? Can other apps use it?

        Regards, John
        Regards, John Little


          Hi jlittle.

          Well, my firefox hasn't detected anything. I pointed akregator at and it didn't work. How do I use RSS with KFN?
          Well, that, to a certain extent is dependent upon the hardware platform.

          When I did it with my Android I installed Greader and RssDemon. In both cases, they provided some default feeds and had an add button.

          I entered Kubuntu RSS feeds and in both cases had to "scroll down" and "fiddle" a bit, but eventually I found the RSS feed for "activity stream".

          I can scan the feed of all the new activity, there is a sinippet of the post with the title in black, and then either open the link or click through to it. And there is also a mark as read function.

          RSS feeds in Kontact work somewhat the same and somewhat differently.

          Open Kontact and go to the Feeds button with the orange thingy with glasses.

          When it is opened it shows a couple of folder, one of them Kubuntu. However the "feed" is for

          Right click the folder for Kubuntu, you can, of course, make a new folder or just put it in the tree, and select the "add feed" button and copy and paste the URL for "activity".

          I have not been able to do this with a subforum, such as "artwork".

          There is a "function" for feeds in some forum software that the Admins can use to provide a "page" of feeds. However, this quickly becomes, for the admin, a huge amount of time to keep functioning.

          And, by and large, since different people have different wants, it becomes an exercise in not making anybody happy when the Admin does get different feeds working.

          Concerning the RSS feed widget:

          If one steps back and actually thinks about the widget, when it says "drop a feed" here, one gets a very nice interactive window in the feeds section which has....

          PREDEFINED feeds, one can scroll through them.

          Those are the items in the forum, or whatever, upon which the admins have done some kind of magick to make them a "feed".

          One can add a feed by deleting the provided, first, feed in the upper part of the window, but it won't work if the admin's have not made some kind of "feed" on that part of the forum

          or that, at least, is the way I understand how it works.

          And it will PROBABLY be that an admin will say that the poor old woodsmoker has it all wrong AS USUAL!!


          Hope this helps a little.
          Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 07, 2012, 06:45 PM.


            For those using multiple devices and would like to sync read states across all of them, and who wish for something other than a Google service, check out NewsBlur. It works very well. I used it for quite some time and thoroughly enjoyed it.

            If you prefer to maintain something on your own, I can recommend TT-RSS. This is what I'm running now on the same machine that serves as my email/IMAP/CalDAV/CardDAV/Quassel server.


              I just posted a "what happened" subscribing to RSS feeds in my thread on Greader and RssDemon.

              Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 08, 2012, 05:50 PM.


                I'm now seeing the orange "RSS feed" button in a few of the sub-fora and when it is clicked one goes to the "standardized" "here are the RSS feeds" for the forum page, one can click there to get the feed sent to yahoo or google.

                Draggint the "symbol" in the search URL box, I see a "blue sheet of paper with a thumbed top right corner", to the RSS NOW box into "drop a feed here" does, indeed, place the feed in RSS feed.

                However this does not solve the OP question about being able to ignore threads.

                Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 08, 2012, 06:01 PM.

