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Industry News section?

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    Industry News section?

    I've been active for many years in another general Linux forum that is dying. One of the strengths of that forum, however, was its focus on general Linux and Linux-related topics. I see no place here for general Linux news, and is just TOO big.

    Kubuntu is great, but it is not all there is to Linux. I will happily support an 'Industry News' section if The Powers That Be decide to create such a section.


    Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.

    Even if the forum admins decide against an Industry News section, you could use the forum's blogging function to make an Industry News blog under KFN's umbrella.

    Just a thought
    "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
    -- Douglas Adams


      A few weeks ago we moved the "Geek News" subform to the "Community Cafe" forum. Feel free to post any interesting industry news there. It isn't limited to Kubuntu (or even Linux).



        you could use the forum's blogging function to make an Industry News blog under KFN's umbrella.
        I'd rather do it WITH their approval. They have been quite responsive to new ideas, having upped the allowable size of the attachments, and including a way for us to contribute to the website -- both of which I suggested. I am confident that they will consider this seriously.

        Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.



          OK, I'll give that a try, if that is the current suggestion as to where things like that should go. I just had the impression that the 'community cafe' was more of a soapbox. Perhaps I am wrong.

          In any case, I have a few items that I can start posting there. Lets see what sort of response we get.

          Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


            I get the impression that you'd like to see something other than "Hey, I read this at $NEWS-SITE. Take a look. Here's what I think..."

            If indeed you have something different in mind, take a moment and describe what you're thinking.



              If indeed you have something different in mind, take a moment and describe what you're thinking.
              No, I think you have it right. It is links to news stories elsewhere that I had in mind. I've just posted a couple.

              I'm still learning the in's and out's of this excellent site. It appears that the "Geek News" section is what I was looking for. I'm going to see if I can stimulate some traffic there.

              Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                Cool. We aim to please. More stimulation is always welcome



                  Cool. We aim to please. More stimulation is always welcome :grin:
                  I'm no Linux guru, but I hope that I do have some things to share.

                  As noted, I've been with another forum for many years, currently serving there as a sysop. But that forum is getting smaller and smaller. I've looked at a few other places, but some are so big that there is no real community at all. I'm looking for something 'mid-size' where perhaps I can be of value. I've been using KDE since Xandros 1.0, so this has seemed like a good fit so far.

                  Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                    We're happy that you've joined our merry band. We look forward to your contributions.


                      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                      More stimulation is always welcome
                      And if any of us get over-stimulated, just put the affected forum member in a quiet room for a while with a pacifier
                      "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
                      -- Douglas Adams


                        Personally, I think a clearly LABELED sub forum for "industry news" might be a good idea. When I come across an item in something like a tech mag, I generally post it, as SR mentioned in "geek news".

                        But, there is a "nuance" to "industry/Linux" as opposed to "geek", whereas "geek" would include "30 seconds of terror" stuff like the Mars Lander and "industry" would be an article specifically on say..... Red Hat doing something.

                        Don't know, just a thought, but the general idea seems good.




                          Personally, I think a clearly LABELED sub forum for "industry news" might be a good idea.
                          Particularly if it was a 'top level' section where it is easily seen. Putting it under "Community Cafe" is fine if everyone knows where it is. I didn't know that when I started this thread.

                          With that said, however, the posts I made in "Geek News" have received some traffic, so I guess people are finding it.

                          Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                            There is also the news rss feed on the home page, which could always have the feeds edited for more Linux news.

                            Personally, again I reiterate the personal part, I would like to see KFN remain a support forum, and would greatly prefer to have the overall focus remain there. I wouldn't mind a news section, but not as a top level topic. Keeping it where it is I like, but perhaps a different name for "community cafe" perhaps?

                            Again, this is just my personal view on this. Maybe I just fear the possibility of dilution as we grow outside of our origins, I do not know. As the participation from the Kubuntuforums community increases (as it seems to have in great capacity recently ) we obviously will have to grow in those directions.


                              Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                              ...I would like to see KFN remain a support forum, and would greatly prefer to have the overall focus remain there.
                              Agreed. We are, first and foremost, a Kubuntu Linux user forum, here to support both. I don't think that we need to stray from that focus.
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

